Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Follow me

As they took Al away from us, we haven't heard anything after that. We don't have any idea what they will do to him and it makes everyone uncomfortable that it could happen the same on them but another side, I think High Council staffs are trying to do something.

"Are you even listening, Dylan?" The dreadlocked girl caught back my attention.

I nod my head to response on her but I didn't get any of her words as my head was flying into Al's situation. "What you were saying again?"

She smirked, Cha nudges me and gives me a frown look, "don't mess this up, dude."

"Listen to her," Dreadlock girl said, "I'll repeat it once again, Dylan. I know you wanted to be part of the Licit People. Be part of something great that would make you more of what you are here but that wouldn't happen until you passed the rebirth... how sure are you that you'll gonna passed, huh?"

"I do." I determinedly said.

She raised her brow, trying to judge me. "Well... you're thinking of it as for now, but what about the next few months? Would you still survive like anybody else?"

I smirked, she's trying to get my weakness but I'm not gonna let her have it. "You don't suppose tell people how they'll gonna survive the process, you're depriving them that they don't deserve to grow as a person. How are you still trying to be in some way of making it all go wrong?"

She leaned closer to the both of us, turning her head around to make sure no one's listening, "because this process won't reach its end." She said, almost a whisper. Cha and I look at each other plastered with distraught reactions. "Just because you think everything's okay, you don't know what's happening behind it."

I narrowed my eyes on her, getting curious and all she said was trying to persuade us to join something we don't need to, but I think she's insisting because she knows, I have a family living in the Noble Land—whom already forget our existence.

"Tell me something we didn't know, dreadlock."

She scoffs, "that's not easy to do, boy." she said, stood up from the steel seat but I immediately caught her hand to stop her from leaving our table, "I won't tell a word if you aren't interested in our movement. It is our only way to destroy the High Council."

"I'd go for it, Dy." Cha asserted. I'm not surprised she would say that because she really want to get the justice for her sister and she finds this movement a way to start proving how High Council possessed cruelty on its arms. I shift my attention back to dreadlock girl, she's giving me a lopsided grin. "I think it is our only way out, Dy." She added.

It doesn't have to be this way.

"Nope." I lose my hand on her arms, "I won't be joining your movement, and that's final."

"What are you saying, Dy?" Cha asked, confused as it shows on her face.

"I'm not joining the movement," I said on her.

"You're making a mistake, boy." Dreadlock girl rebuked, shaking her head.

"I don't." I stated, "and you can't change my decision. I don't wanna be part of something that would ruin what life can bring to me. Don't make me choose between being against on the process and pushing through end 'cause in any other way, I would stay on the path where I know it is safe and secured."

"You're playing it safe, boy." She remarked, "don't make it hard for us, you know it is the only way to stopped them."

"How in the world you can surely tell you'll stop the High Council?" I taunted.

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