Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


I was waiting for the bomb to explode, burned me and torn every part of me but for a few seconds after closing my eyes, it didn't happen. As when opening up my eyes, I saw the strange man running towards my direction, without hesitation formulating in his head he picked up the bomb and immediately throw it above the air as for the exact time the bomb goes into the explosion. I covered myself with my hands as the ashes and debris of falling part of the structures.

When the smoke was starting to fade, my vision was now clear to see the surroundings. I slowly help myself to stand up from lying unto the ground and search for the man who just saves me from the attack. I found him lying on the ground, I hurriedly attended him and checked if he's okay.

I turned him to face me, I checked his pulses and I got to have a relief when he is breathing and fine. I pat his face to wake him up, I tried it for few times 'till he's consciousness back. He might feel a little bit of dizzy, 'cause of the explosion occurred and he shook his head to get back on his system.

"Doing good?" I asked, patting his shoulder. He nods a little, "thanks by the way."

He looks at me, "you owe me now." He said in stiff.

"And what is it?"

"You need to follow me," he said, he moves but he grunted. "Well, if you could help me first," I smirked when he said that and assisted him carefully standing up on his feet. When he's good, I put his arms around my neck to give him full balance while we headed to the place he' talking. "Forgive me for barging you like this but I'll talk to you about it later."

"I understand," I said. "We should now find your place before getting us back into the trouble."

"Okay, we'll be heading that way." He pointed the right street, corner of the street where the bomb comes from. We couldn't risk being bombed again. I just couldn't believe how I ended up unconscious into that military vehicle and where does everybody go? How in the world this man would end up finding me alone? This is so strange.

Along walking into the streets, we stopped when this man pointed the door of the building which I think the place he's talking about. We walked towards the door, he picked up a key on his pocket, put it on the knob and rotated it until the door opens. We immediately enter the door, locked it when we stepped inside and the dimmed place covered the place. It is dusty as it makes me sneeze, the place also smells like old rags but wasn't that strong to make me go nauseated.

"This way!" he commanded leading the way and losing his arms on my help.

I followed him as we make through a like a bodega. I still don't have any idea where we're heading but I think he won't harm me, 'cause of the fact that he helped me earlier or he must've been trying to get to me because he needed something? Speculations at its finest.

We pass through a curtain of transparent leather and as I thought that there would be more of them but it happens that it was way more than what I expected. I thought we're going to meet a lot of people but on the other hand, I have only seen one person. He hurriedly attended that person on the corner, lying on a cardboard with a disposable bag filled with stuff as her pillow. I can saw the man's face as he carefully wakes her up to know that someone—myself are here on their premises.

But the girl coughs, she doesn't stop until blood was she's coughing.

The man comes to me again, "I don't know what to do, she's sick and I got a feeling that it hasn't been treated early, she's gonna die..."

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