~ talk (8)

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A/N - because I have kept you waiting for who knows how long. Long chapter coming ahead ;)


"Chae, you're not drinking it." And in a swift motion, the wine glass was gone from her grasp.


There's no other person who could ruin her time other than the jeon jungkook.

Her mood wouldn't have been ruined, if Jungkook had just taken some of his time to pick her up. That way, she wouldn't have ran into Taehyung. Not only that, Taehyung probably would've never told her about the secret that she didn't even know about.

But is she relieved that she finally knew the hidden truth?

The truth that was untold?

Hell no.

"Give it back." Rose weakly reached for the wine glass, which Jungkook successfully kept out of her reach with a frown. He shook his head, Sliding it over to the side. There were a row of people who were drinking and having a good time. Someone was more than welcome to get the drink, it was free after all.

Just not chaeyoung.

"You know that you don't handle alcohol very well."

"I actually do. You've only seen me wasted and that's because I over drank behind your back." Jungkook's mouth widened, as chaeyoung openly revealed her secret for the first time.

Darn it.

Now she was fucked.

She lied to me all this time?

"Why are you doing this? You can still have a good time without alcohol."

"Oh, so you're allowed to drink but I can't? You have no right to tell me what to do."

"I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just suggesting another alternative-"

"I don't need advice from you. My mood is already ruined, so don't make it worse." Chaeyoung turned away, getting off the stool.

The male standing behind the bar table had noticed of the little argument that was slowly beginning to increase in volume between the two. Jungkook was trying his best to keep it between Chaeyoung and him, but Chaeyoung could care less if the entire crowd of 100+ listened.




Jungkook glanced around, however not noticing that the man, also known as hoseok, was staring at the two people. He wasn't sure who the girl was, and wondered whether if they were both in a relationship.

"Chaeyoung, just please. I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up from the party. I know you don't really like Taehyung but I had no other choice-"

"Really?" Chaeyoung's voice turned sassy. "You're sorry? Doesn't sound like it. Not only that, I don't understand why you care so much about me now-"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook was actually hurt by her words. "I've always cared about you. I care about you all the time."

"BULL SHIT." Chaeyoung took a step closer, making Jungkook widen his eyes. They were both dangerously close, but Chaeyoung had no intention of being 'intimate' in public.

"Chaeyoung, calm down. I understand that you're upset--"
"UPSET?" Chaeyoung spat out a sarcastic laugh, making Jungkook frown even more. "there are no words that can actually explain how I feel right now." Chaeyoung shook her head, a bit of water starting to swell up in her eyes.

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