~ lesson (16)

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"Jennie will explain you further details regarding your modelling career. You can follow her, and she can give you a tour of the company."

Chaeyoung thought the rules aspect was what she came for. She didn't expect to have a tour.

A feeling of excitement went through her.

Of course she wanted to see the building

"He's oddly stressing his efforts on you. I've never seen that before." Jennie spoke, tilting her head to the side.

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well, I'm sure you noticed that he's being strict right?"

"Oh for sure. 100%" her answer was immediate.

"Well, I've never seen him be this strict upon a meeting like this. Do you know him by any chance? Personally?"

"Well, I did seem him at a party."

Ah, that started to make some sense.

"Ah, and what happened, may I ask?"
"He, humiliated me -"

"I was actually trying to teach you a lesson."

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