My True Feelings (oneshot) (boyxboy)

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This is an Andley fanfic. :D Hope you like. Took me forever to write this! This is my first ever sexy scene I have ever written. >.< So I hope you actually like it. Dedicated to Amyscene cause well he's just fucking awesome like that. c; And his boyxboy's are amaaazing. o.o <3 I hope he reads and actually likes it. D:

She looked absolutely gorgeous in her new red satin dress. Her glossy brown hair was shiny with bouncy curls. Her skin was flawless and glowy. Her arms strong and firm, showing her tattoo of my name on it. Only thing that ruined her beautiful image was her long mad frown. Her eyes piercing through my damn soul! I was kind of hoping this night would be perfect. But not on her watch! 

I ran my fingers through my hair and exhaled. This was seriously starting to frustrate me. I'm not good at all at handling these situations. Once I see a mad angry women wanting to shank me, I dart. If only her inside was as beautiful and rasiant as her outside. Although, her outside could use some help too. I am so mean. Slap myself!

She crossed her arms and gave me a superiour look. Like if she owned me! Sure. We're going out and in a serious relationship, which is needless to say, on the rocks. But no one owns me or can act like they own me! Besides my parents, obviously. 

"Andy!" she snapped. "Are you even listening to me?"

I gripped on my fork and lightly slammed it on the table. Keep calm. Keeeep calm, I thought.

"Yeees Juliet. I've been hearing you complain and complain the whole fuuu...freaking time," I calmy said. 

"Well how could I not complain when you never have time for me? You don't even try to arrange your 'busy' schedule to be with me! It's a miracle that we're even here today!" she babbled on dramatically. Oh God! Wheres the mute button on this thing?! Uhm. I mean pretty lady.

"Well it's not like you're busy too. You're so obsessed with your whole American Idol thing," I sighed.

"The Voice! See! You don't even know what show I'm on. I bet you don't even watch it!" she glared.

I sighed again. This is a lot of sighing! This isn't healthy for me. "Does that really matter right now?"

"Yes! It does to me. You're always with Ashton or Jinxx and DD or who ever the fuck they are! Jinxx has your same 'schedule' and he's great with Sammi!" she ranted on furious. She like, basically insulted my bandmates. Mental sigh.

"My bandmates? Need a refresher? It's Ashley and CC. And Jake. And maybe Jinxx is doing great with Sammi because she's not a pathetic, needy, uhm, uhh," I stumbled on my words. "Uh! Witch!"

No need to call the poor girl an actual bitch.

"You go on and find a way to get home," I pushed my chair with a load screech. I marched off.

She sat there wide-eyed. Uncapable to say something.

"This isn't over Andy!" she yelled across the room.

What wasn't over? The conversation or us? Hopefully both. I still love her. It's just that lately, well, I don't know. It's not the same. Ever since she got on that singing show, she got so ugh. So we just drifted apart. And she has changed. Too much fame. Got to her head. Shame.

I pulled up on the driveway of the house we, my band, were renting. Hopefully no one was home. My hopes fell when I saw the kitchen lights on. Oh well. I could use some con-soling. I marched into the house and walked straight to the kitchen. My eyes laid on the one and only Ashley, who was standing with nothing but his boxers. I groaned, making him turn around startled.

My True Feelings (twoshot) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now