1x02 Part 1✔️

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My level is too high to bring me down (happy)
Can't nuthin', bring me down (happy)
I said, let me tell you now, unh (happy)
Bring me down, can't nuthin', bring me down (happy, happy, happy)

-Happy, Pharrell Williams



10 year old Ash Growins walks slowly down the hall without making eye-contact with anyone she passes by.

Her dad's sick and hasn't been able to work for a few months, making her mom's small income job their only form of ration points to feed them.

Ash has been forced to practically starve, and it's clear all over her.

Her long hair is dull without nutrition, bags are under her eyes, and her ratty clothes hang off her skinny frame.

After three weeks straight of having nothing more than half a protein packet for dinner, Ash decided to do something.

Despite the fact that is was, and still is, illegal.

She put on an innocent smile as she single-handily broke into the Chancellors office and added ration points to her dad's card. She added few at a time, doing it over the course of two weeks to not cause suspicion. With her father beginning his recovery, the amount of ration points and small amount her mother makes should be enough to hold them over until her father can begin working again.

It could get her arrested if the Chancellor looked into it, but it was either that or starve.

The card, full of all the ration points, is tightly gripped in her hand as she makes her way down the hall, her head bent down low an her eyes on the floor.

Just as she walks into Mecha Station, an upgrade from Factory Station where she used to live before her father became a mechanic, she collides with someone and tumbles backwards.

Everything is blurry for a second after the abrupt collision, but Ash quickly comes to her senses and notices to lack of something.

The card.

Frantically, she moves around and looks around with her wild eyes, panicking when she doesn't see it.

Then, it appears right in front of her vision. "Looking for this?" Someone asks her.

Ash gulps and looks up, seeing a kid not much younger than herself with the card in his hands. His brown hair is shiny and almost covers his eyes, but she can see the knowing glint in the brown eyes. It causes her heart rate to quicken.

Is it that obvious? She thinks silently.

"Yes, thank you." She answers his question with a slight waver in her voice. "May I have it back...please?"

Guards could come into the almost deserted hallway any second. A ten year old kid with a full ration card would cause suspicion, they'd probably even arrest her for it without any proof, knowing the unfair laws. Then, they'd probably even arrest the other kid too because he would be an accomplice.

All in all, the kid needs to give the card back to Ash now so she can hide it again.

somewhere | b.blake ✔️Where stories live. Discover now