My Muse 10/26/18

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Before she came along I only wrote about what I knew which was puppy love and spiteful events.
I would go on and on about forever and always until one day forever and always turned into never and broken.
I became a slave to my writers block.
I would start a sentence and lose interest before I got to the period.
I thought my favorite pass time was over.
I thought my flame was out for good until I met my muse.
For a moment my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't form any coherent thoughts.
There right before my eyes was someone so mysterious so precious.
I had to get to know her.
My flame went from a weak flicker to a blazing wildfire and nothing could put it out.
I began to write about unrequited love and the hardships of life.
She turned never and broken into life and truth.
My muse must be magical for my writers block vanished.
I write letters to her every day like clockwork to remind myself that without her that my passion wouldn't exist. My muse isn't just my inspiration she's my friend.
She's the one who's out of my grasp.
She's a main character in my movie called life.
She's a girl who I met and will never regret meeting.
She made my gray skies of dull inspiration erupt into bright days filled with motivation.
In such a short time she became one of my closest friends.
This is the part where writer
usually confesses their undying love for their muse but that's not happening here for my undying love will forever be unrequited.

My muse thank you for coming into my life and I my only wish is that you'll never leave me.

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