Chapter 12

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If the house had a somber tone when Olivia let her disgrace be known to her family, it was utter chaos in the wake of her sister’s disappearance. Her aunt was in shambles, weeping and crying, and taking a moment every once in a while to stare daggers at Olivia as if this was her fault, and her uncle just seemed quiet and shrunken in stature. Olivia was worried, as she had never seen her uncle in such a state, but he finally opened his mouth and asked her to read the letter she held in her hand.

Dear Aunt Charity and Uncle William.” Olivia’s voice wavered, but she continued on. “I fear that I can no longer share a roof with this person who is supposed to be my sister. Her wickedness knows no bound, and the harm she has done to good people, truly beautiful and kind people, is something that I cannot understand or condone. I know that you have a special attachment to Olivia, and I could not ask for your favor in this issue. Her child is an innocent and should not suffer the sins of its mother; I beg that you pray for my sister and her salvation and make sure that this child will not be prey to her evils.

My situation is not ideal. But I am not friendless. I need time, away from the negativity that surrounds Olivia, and perhaps, with time, I will be able to return with peace in my heart.

I thank you for everything that you have done for me and even for Olivia, though I doubt she deserves it. Take care in knowing that I love and appreciate you, and that I will be far better away from the madness.

Yours Truly,


Aunt Charity broke into fresh sobs, taking a handkerchief and blowing her nose in a most unladylike manner.

“Be calm, woman.” Uncle William broke through the tension in the room with his gruff voice. “The child will be alright. She says she has friends. Is this true, Olivia?”

“One that I can think of,” Olivia offered. “Lady Cordelia, the Duchess of Marlborough. Although they had fallen out of sorts due to my ‘wicked nature’.” Olivia laughed bitterly at this last little joke, but her sarcasm wilted at the reproving look from her uncle.

“She has gone to Brookington Hall then.” Uncle William sighed. “We shall send a letter poste haste. If not there then perhaps she has returned to your mother. The girl was emotional but not foolish. We will get to the bottom of this and find that she is well. As for you, Olivia, we shall consider your options once the matter of your sister’s location is settled.”

Olivia nodded and got up, heading to the foyer for her pelisse.

“Where do you think you are going?” Her aunt’s squawk shocked her.

“For a walk.”

“In your condition?” Her aunt sputtered in disbelief and looked pointedly at her husband.

“I need a walk, Uncle.” Olivia’s voice was strained. “My disgrace is so well spread around that my condition will only be what everyone expected of me. It’s not as if it is fully visible yet. The ton will just think my waistline has expanded from my being shut up and eating out of misery.”

“Very well.” Her uncle nodded at her, and her aunt let out a little harrumph of disagreement, but Olivia stepped out the door, and took a breath of the fresh yet chilly air that was outside. She did not know where she was going really. It had just been so long since she was outside the four walls of her room, and she had a desire in her heart to walk to the ends of the earth. In her mind, she wanted to walk to the ocean. In her heart, she wanted to walk to Christian.

Olivia walked and walked and walked around town. It was not proper, surely, for a lady in her condition to be walking around in such a manner unaccompanied, but no one said any word to her, nor would they look her in the eyes. She was almost a ghastly apparition, pale, dark circles around her eyes and a sickly pallor radiated from her. Her hair was coming undone in a most alarming way, but Olivia paid attention to none of this. She kept walking. She finally stopped when she found herself on the same street of the solicitor she had engaged in helping her family's legal matters.

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