episode one part one

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Hannah CrainHill HouseThen

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Hannah Crain
Hill House

IT would be a lie to say she was woken up by a scream from her younger sister, for she had sat up seconds before it happened. She stepped out of her blankets and made her way to Nell and Luke's room, her bare feet almost sticking to the exposed wood floors. Just as she reached their door, Hannah flinched and then, Nell screamed. Wasting no time, she grabbed the door knob, which was colder than usual, and threw the door open. She held on to the knob so the heavy wooden door wouldn't band against the wall and wake more people up.

"Hi Nellie." She whispered, walking slowly to the young girl's bed. "Can I sit with you?"

Nell nodded, her screaming stopped as she caught her breath and looked at her sister. Hannah had always been the best of them at comforting. She shifted some covers and got into bed with Nell, holding her arms around her shoulders. Nell had always felt safe next to Hannah. Not looking away from Nell, Hannah knew Steve had just arrived at the door. She simply pulled a loose strand of Nell's hair behind her ear, prompting the small girl to explain what happened.

"You okay Nellie?" Steve asked, voice small and gentle. "You scared?" Nell let her head nod twice. "That's okay. I get scared too sometimes." Steve smiled at her reassuringly, stepping further into the room. Hannah heard the covers on Luke's bed rustle as he sat up from the other side of the room.

"Why are you awake Luke?" Steve asked before Hannah could. The older girl turned slight to look at him over her shoulder.

"'Cause Nellie's awake." Was his answer. Hannah smiled at him before turning back to Nell, she knew what he meant by a twin thing.

"What scared you Nell?"

"Han, the Bent Neck Lady was here. She came back." Nell sniffed, bringing a hand up to rub her wet eyes.

"Oh her again?" Was what came from her father's mouth. Hannah had to admit she flinched at little, not realising he was at the door behind Steve. "Where was she?" Nell lifted her arm and pointed to the foot of her bed.

"Oh, boy. Guess we better take a look." Hugh said, walking slowly to the edge of Nell's bed.

"Here, huh?" He asked, looking around for the Bent Neck Lady, for Nell's sake. "Your brother and sister must have scared her away. Big siblings are good like that."

"What if she's hiding?" Nell stressed, eyes beginning to water again.

"She's long gone, Nellie." Hannah reassured, pulling the younger girl closer to her side.

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