episode one part two

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Hannah CrainHill House The Last Night's End

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Hannah Crain
Hill House
The Last Night's End

Hannah couldn't sleep. Her head was throbbing Her chest felt heavy, like a hundred weights were stacked on top of her ribs, climbing high into the sky in an impossible tower. Her breath shallowed and her eyes became harder and harder to keep open, like rocks lined her lashes with glue. Something was wrong with Nell.

A loud bang focused her mind, snapping her out of her daze. In a second her duvet was shoved off of her bare legs, her feet sliding into the pair of checked slippers on the floor at the edge of her bed. She neglected to throw on a dressing gown as she took off out of her room and down the hall. Something was wrong with Luke.

Her bedroom was only across the hall from the one the youngest twins shared, when she opened her door she was met with the opened door she so desperately wished was closed. She shot herself across the hallway, hanging on to the door frame to keep herself upright. They weren't in their beds. She stopped for a second, taking note with a furrow of her brow that there was a sleeping bag in the floor, adorned with a pillow and a blanket. Was Luke sleeping in the floor? Then why was his bed messed up like it was slept in too? She didn't dwell on this thought and went to go find either her siblings or her father, whichever she found first.

Now, she wouldn't be able to tell you how she knew, but something was behind her. Turning around was something was was scared to do in this house but, she did it anyway. In the end she's both be thankful and annoyed at who she saw.

Soon enough she found herself at the spiral staircase. The one in the library. The one that led up to the red door room. The door that would never open.

Yet it was open. But it wasn't her siblings, or her father. Not her mother, even if she wasn't supposed to be there. The room was dark and in ruin and four adults were inside, three knelt around the fourth and – "Hello?" – all of them had turned to look at her. And the next second she was pushed aside by her father and felt to the floor, unconscious.

She woke up to the shouts of her father. "Get back in the car!"

"I saw Abigail in the window!" Luke shouted out, stepping towards them barefooted, the car door wide open behind him. Hugh just picked him up. "She was in the window!"

Hannah's tear ducts has opened, slowly slipping hot trickles over her cheeks. Her siblings shouting around her.

"What's happening?"

"Where's Mommy?"

"Where's Mom?"

"I thought I saw her upstairs!"

Hugh could only tighten his fists around the steering wheel harder, clenching his jaw. "That's not Mom."

"What about Mom? Dad! We can't leave Mom! Dad! Dad. Dad!" Steven was is hysterics, his voice thick, emotion making it crack as tears threatened to spill from his tear ducts.

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