Where my beauty lies...

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My beauty does not

Lie in the hair

That lines

My imperfect


Or rather-

Beauty is not

Found without

My hair

Let me tell you

This hair

That I have been

Gifted with


Is a blessing

From He

Who knows best

So please do not

Fall into

The trap

Of thinking

That a woman

Can only be beautiful

Once she-

Waxes this

Shaves that

Plucks here

Leaves that


My dearest sister

You do not have to

Take off every strand

Ignore their taunts

Sneers and remarks

Remember that

This is your test

My dearest sister

I say it from my heart

It's not worth the pain

Don't fuss over it

Don't shed those tears

You will gain nothing

From it

I pray for you

With all my heart

That one day you find

A man who will love

And cherish you whole

All your radiant beauty

I pray that he

Will care not about

The strands you try to hide

With your abaya sleeve

As you shrink beneath

Their watchful and taunting eyes

I pray that he

Will love you whole

Each and every part

That he will hold you tight

And help you fight

This silent battle you fought



Darling, listen

I've been gifted

With hair that

Lines my skin

And if you cannot

Except that it

Is who I am

And that it is

Part of my beauty

Then I say to you,

I'm sorry

Because no matter what

Society says

This is me.

And I am free

From the broken ideologies

That threaten to break


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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