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It was all dark and gloomy. You had no clue as to what happened or why you were in this dark void. But then is of light up. It got brighter and brighter, so bright to the point were you thought you were going blind.

You: Am I...? Am I in heaven..?

But as you looked around, it turned out that you weren't.

You were in a land full of fucking talking balls.

Canada: Hey bro, I'm gonna visit my buddy Cuba. Wanna come with me eh?


You: lol wtf is this shit?

You noticed that these creatures had flags of different countries on them.

You turned around and saw a bunch of other balls, drinking....somehow. They had no mouthes, so how could they consume the liquid? They also had no hands so how could they hold the bottles of vodka!? This disturbed you so much because you had a bad case if OCD and this was just too much for you to handle and you were dying inside like wtf  is this fucking place!!!???

Anyways, you recognised the flags cuz you seen them before. There was Ireland, Scotland, Russia, Germany and Blue England. They were all drunk af.

Russia: I of invent vodka!!

The red ball sitting on top of Russia says with disappointment: "Kurwa."

You made eye contact with the red ball. You had an erect dong. You never knew you felt so horny about a fucking ball before. It was literally a circle with eyes on it. But you wanted it to succ you however the hell they did it. Wtf is wrong with you mate? You would actually fuck a ball? You are so sick you know that!!? The only reason you are reading this rn is because you're a fucking PERVERT!!!

Suddenly you were wacked in the head with a baseball bat and it all went dark again.

Thank god cuz you were about to rape poor Polska.

To Be Continued.

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