Knuckle Head Brother

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Once I composed myself, I left the bathroom with the game room as my destination. I needed to find Leah to let her know the mission was accomplished, and if I could snag a minute alone with my brother while doing it, that would be a plus. There were cheers and joke cracking coming from the room before I reached it and I knew the guys were deep into a game of COD. I so wanted to show Caleb my skills, but I needed to take care of a certain best friend and brother first.

I walked in the door and almost squealed in excitement. Sitting really close in a corner near the pool table, almost in a world of their own, were none other than Leah and Bryce. I started doing a little happy dance in the door way, completely oblivious to the person sitting on the stool to my right until I finished my turn and came face to face with him. “Nice moves, Ly. Was that the hokey pokey?”

I was on him in two seconds flat with his left earlobe firmly between my thumb and forefinger. “You turd face! You almost gave me away earlier.”

Koa shoved the handful of popcorn he was holding into his mouth, then twisted my wrist, not hard enough to hurt, but effective enough to have me releasing his ear, “Yeah, but I didn’t, and I got Leroy to admit he likes Keri. She heard it right?”

He had a point, “She did, I’m not sure what she’s going to do about it.”

Koa held his hands in front of him, “Well don’t look to me for help, I already played match maker.” He got up, ready to leave, “If you need me for anything, I’ll be by the pool playing my next role…life guard,” he said waggling his eye brows boyishly.

“Pfft, you? Lifeguard? You’ll be too busy staring at boobies to actually be of use.”

He pretended to be offended by my words, “Me? I don’t stare at those things,” I just raised a brow at him till he smiled and finished, “Not unless they’re at least a C cup.”

He ran out the room just narrowly missing the empty popcorn bowl I threw at him. I turned back to the guys and saw that Caleb and Lance were currently playing a round of the gun game, Caleb was already on his cross bow while Lance only had a shot gun. I wanted to jump in and wipe the floor with Caleb, or maybe jump him on the floor, no, no, no. No time for that, I mean, now was not the time for that. What was I supposed to do again? Oh right, find my brother. Reluctantly pulling my eyes away from a very nicely muscled back and full head of silky black hair, I scanned the rest of the guys in the room and found him staring directly at me with a resigned look on his face. He knew what I was there for.

I put my hands on my hips and just stared at him, waiting for him to make his move. Was he going to run and make me chase him, or come willingly and let me grill him? I hoped it was the former, I had some hormonal tension to work off and a run would do me good. Either way the end result was the same, and he was going to face a very good scolding from me.

He eyed the door for a second as if contemplating an escape, but must’ve realized there was little to no chance being I was a mere foot or two from it, then got up and reluctantly approached me. “Where?”

So he wasn’t even going to put up a fight. My look must’ve been really intimidating. I couldn’t resist sporting a smug smile which he was quick to wipe away, “Don’t give me that look, I’m only doing this because I know you’ll just hound me like the pit-bull you are if I avoid you.”

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