☬Chapter Nine: Road to Mount Massive Asylum☬

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Just a head's up, there's going to be some humour in this chapter. Just to show the dynamics of the characters, you'll understand when you read it. This chapter is gonna mainly be about you guy's getting to know a little bit our new characters; Jackson is the one you mainly will get more information about. I hope you all enjoy and be ready cause it should get interesting from here on out. So much to happen in soooo little time. 


Ada groans as she feel's someone roughly poking her shoulder, moaning she slaps away the persons hand. "Five more god damn minutes please." Ada groans out as she nuzzles her pillow. 

"Ada, the airplanes going down!!" Heather screams as she begins to fling herself everywhere. Ada's eyes pop open wide as she looks around gasping hard. She sees the plane completely empty and fine, Heather immediately burst into a fit of laughter. Ada sighs as she looks down at Heather, who's on the floor laughing hysterically. Ada stands up with her cup of water and dumps it on Heather, Heather scream from the freezing cold water. 

       Ada smirks as she walks past Heather and off the airplane. "I hate you!" Heather screams from behind as she tries to ring out her shirt and hair. Ada walks down the stairs onto the paved road to see Nereyda, Miles and Bug already talking with a few other people by a pimped out bus. Ada suddenly stops at the sight of the bus, memories of the escape from Silent Hill come flooding into her mind. The escape vehicle being flung around from the pressure of the explosion, and seeing Rain's body impaled by the shards of glass. Ada closes her eyes and bends over in pain, glancing up she sees Nereyda and the other staring at her. 

"Ada? Are you alright?" Nereyda shouts at her as she continues to stare at Ada.

          Ada groans in pain as she falls back only to get caught by Heather in her arms, Nereyda and the other run towards her. 

"Ada, are you alright? What happen?" Heather anxiously ask's her as she slowly sets Ada down on her back. Ada shakes her head, "I don't know, I just had a huge headache over come me just now. But I'm good now." Ada lifts herself up with the help of Heather. Nereyda and the other make it to her, and instantly surround her. "Ada, are you okay?" Nereyda anxiously ask's her. 

"I'm fine, I just got dizzy from the trip." Ada lets out a sigh as she gets her mind set back. Everyone steps away from her to give her some air. Letting out a sigh, Ada looks around her to see familiar faces. 

"You all actually made it." Ada says somewhat shocked as she glances at every ones smiling faces. "A chance to take a stab at Umbrella, how could I miss this?" Kendra smirks as she winks at Ada. 

        The group begin to make their way towards the bus, Jackson steps in front of the bus, holding his hands up to stop them from going any further. 

"Before you guy's step into Colton, I need you guy's to be careful when you're in here. I have a few valuable things in here. So please, please please, be careful. I didn't get a chance to put any of it into storage before hand." Jackson turns on his heel and opens the doors to the bus. Heather and Nereyda both begin to whisper to each other, "Did he really name the bus Colton?" Nereyda curiously ask's Heather. 

       Heather smiles as she nods her head, "Oh yeah. Just wait until we get inside." Nereyda frowns in confusion, "Why?" 

        Jackson walks into the bus with everyone anxiously following behind him, as Miles is the first to see everything his eyes widen in shock. As everyone walks into the bus as well, they all stare in disbelief at the sight in front of them. Jackson immediately begins to tense up as he see's everyone's reaction, Heather on the other hand begins to burst into another fit of laughter.

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