☬ Chapter Sixteen: Kill or be Killed ☬

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        Nereyda and Bug peek around the wall to see Crimson Head's and undead Canine's dashing towards them, they immediately begin shooting them down. Heather looks out the kitchen window to see Jackson being dragged away into the woods by Chris Walker. 

Chris Walker possesses super human strength, able to easily pick up a fully grown man with one hand, even able to tear off a man's head with his hands. Although he is very large and burly, he holds a certain level of intelligence, being able to track down his prey in darkness by listening for them. (Outlast)

"What the hell is that?" Heather softly says to herself as she watches in fear. She turns around to glance at Nereyda, "Their taking Jackson! I'm gonna get him! Watch you're back!" Heather shouts as she dashes for the open window, she dodges an attack from a Crimson Head and barrel rolls out the window. She quickly gets up and opens fire on the large man. Walker stops and slowly turns around, letting go of Jackson's foot. Heather gasp in disgust and fear when she see's his horribly disfigured face. 

"Come here little piggy" Walker menacingly says as he slightly smirks at her. Heather gulps loudly as she opens fire on him, Walker barely flinches from the shots. Heather ducks down as he runs past her trying to wrap his arm around her neck. She turns on her heel and leaps back shooting at the back of his arms. Walker slightly groans in pain he picks up a chair and flings at her, she barely dodges it. 

       Walker dashes for her again, Heather attempts to get up only to get kicked in the stomach by him, flinging her onto her back. Gasping for air, she rolls back and forth on her sides. Walker runs up to her while she's still on the ground and kicks her again, sending Heather soaring back towards the house. She lands hard on the cement ground, she groggily opens her eyes to see Walker walking towards her. Looking back she see's the grill with a propane tank next to it, she slowly crawls towards it. 

     Walker chuckles as he begins to make pig sounds as he makes his way towards her. She groans as she pulls her self up to the propane tank, she wipes away the blood nearly covering her eye with the back of her hand. She pulls the thick cord connect the grill to the propane tank, the smell of gas instantly leaking out. Heather turns around to see a flower pot near the back door, she immediately runs towards it as Walker runs after her. She digs her hand into the pot and pulls out a handgun and shoots at the tank. It instantly explodes consuming the back porch in fire, Heather leaps through the back sliding door. Laying on the ground, cut up on her face and body. She gets on all fours and looks down the hallway to see herself staring back at her. 

"You're back." 

       Nereyda and Bug both get up off the ground and look at the kitchen to see the kitchen wall completely gone. Fire slowly begins to etch it's way into the house. Nereyda runs to the sink and opens the faucet, letting the water spill onto the floor and fire. 

"Heather!" Nereyda calls out for her. Bug stands by Nereyda to see a few creatures walking out the woods. "We need to get everyone out of here Bug. Go get Miles and I'll get Ada." Nereyda and Bug turn around to see Prisoner Juggernaut. 

A Juggernaut is a pale-skinned human with tattoo's covering their bodies and their faces are twisted into permanent grins. They have barbed wire wrapped loosely around their midsections and tightly around their arms instead. The barbed wire is also threaded into their faces as well, keeping their expression frozen and. They are huge and inhumanly strong with muscular physiques. 

       Nereyda and Bug gasp in fear when they see it staring straight at them from the living room with other creatures surrounding it. Bug opens fire on the creatures surrounding the Juggernaut as Nereyda dashes for him. She jumps off a small coffee table and wraps her legs around it's neck, twisting him to the side, she flips him onto his back. She unwraps her legs from his neck and gets up and kicks him in the face twice. Grabbing him by the neck, she lifts him up and punches him repeatedly until blood begins trickling down his nose. As Nereyda is about to punch him again, he catches her punch in his hand. Nereyda gasps, he flings her to the side causing her to crash into the wall. The Juggernaut stands up and watches Nereyda gets up as well. 

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