Chapter 2 - Honeymoon

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-Jess' POV-

"Zac! Jess! Get your lazy bum outta the couch! We're going now. Do you got everything? Already went to the toilet? I don't want you to pee in your pants again, Jess...", my mom shouted all over the room.

"MOOOOOMMM!!! Do you have to say it in public?!?! And furthermore, I was young!", I said back to her and could feel how my cheeks were about to burn. That's absolutely noooot cool, you're awkward, Jess...

"That was three months ago.", mom debated. Oh, my mother can be so evil, sometimes.


Oh my god, could this be more awkward?!?! Because I don't think so. What does Zac thinks about me now? So, I turned around and looked at him as I watched him laughing. I didn't say anything anymore and just got into the car. I sat next to the window and on my right side, there was Zac. Gaaaawd, why does he smell so freakin' good?!?! I took my phone and the headphones out of my bag, so I could start listening to music and look out of the window. The sightview was pretty.


We parked in the garage of the Long Beach Mauritius and I have to admit - THIS HOTEL IS JUST AMAAAAAZING!!

I followed my voice in my head and said out loud: "Wooooah! This hotel is sooooo awesome! I could spend my honeymoon here."

"They have amazing quotations for couples and honeymoons!", Zac smirked. I couldn't tell if this was a smirk-smirk or a wtf-did-i-just-say-smirk. 

"Oh... Interesting...", I said back and started to laugh.

Mom and I share a room together, Zac's parents also and Zac does have his own. This suite is just - WOW! And first of all, it's so big! I wish, I'd live here, haha. Immediately I trew my stuff on my bed and ran to the terrace and the view just fascinated me. Maybe, I stroll a little.

"Mom, I'mma stroll a lil bit at the beach.", I said and closed the door behind me.

"Yes, I will call you if I need you.", mom replied.

As I arrived the beach, there were only good-looking people! Except of me. Left, right, hot guy. But no one of them looked at me. Coz you're ugly and awkward. Do you have to exhaust me all the time? It's okay, I stop. Thanks. Emmm, why do you stroll alone if you're on holidays with a HEARTTHROB? Hey! That's not even a bad question. Maybe, I should call Zac and ask him whether he liked to take a walk with me. But as I soon I could do anything I heard someone's calling my name. It was Zachary. And that without a T-shirt! Ouh, really hot, look at his six-pack! Stop now, he's not hotter than my Skyler. YOUR Skyler? You're serious? I hope not. Yes, MY Skyler and now shut up.

"Oh, hi Zac! I recently wanted to go to you and ask whether you'd like to take a walk with me. We're on holidays together and I stroll alone, excuse me, I'm so impolite, haha.", I saw an ice cream box in his hand and just starred at it. Oh my god, I love food. I nearly slobbered.

"Of course, I'd love to! I bought some ice cream and I'd ask you if you'd like to share it with me?", Zac smirked.

I could see sparkles in his eyes. Somehow, he seems so different in my eyes now. It felt like there would be a little glimmer of interest in me. However - We were looking for a place where we could sit and talk undisturbed.

-Zac's POV-

"Zac! Jess! Get your lazy bum outta the couch! We're going now. Do you got everything? Already went to the toilet? I don't want you to pee in your pants again, Jess...", Mrs. Walkers shouted through the whole livingroom. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"MOOOOOMMM!!! Do you have to say it in public?!?! And furthermore, I was young!", Jess answered and I noticed how she blushed. I found it so cute!

Mrs. Walkers added: "That was three months ago."

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!", Jess squeaked defenseless. I couldn't stifle my laughter anymore, so I cracked up. I hope, she doesn't think I laughed about her - No, I laughed because of her overload cuteness. Her face, her eyes, the way she looked - sort of puppy eyes. I had the urge to hug her tightly but that would be weird. Too weird. Without a word, Jess got into the car and I immediately took place next to her. You idiot, because of your laughter she feels uncomfortable! Apologize! When I was about to apologize, I saw that Jess was putting her headphones into her ears. So I didn't do anything. No apologize. I repeatedly looked to her and tried to not be too conspicuous. Otherwise, I might seem even creepier. 

Jessica's mom tapped on my shoulder: "Why do you look in this direction so often?" Oh my godddd!!!

I felt my cheeks burning and I stumbled: "Th-th-the view. I look at the view. Yes, the view." Is it even possible to get more realistic than this feeble excuse? You definetely will never become an actor, Zac.

As we arrived the Long Beach Mauritius I heard Jess saying: "Wooooah! This hotel is sooooo awesome! I could spend my honeymoon here."

"They have amazing quotations for couples and honeymoons!", I said back. Dafuq did I just say!? STANDING OVATION FOR YOU - You're an offical creep now!

"Oh... Interesting...", Jess giggled. Oh god, this is facilitating...

I persuaded my parents to have my own room, before we had booked this hotel and they agreed. I'm not that type that likes to share his room. Typical only-childs. As everyone has stored their luggage, we went to the beach together but without Jess. I was wondering, where she was but her mom said she wanted to take a walk. After, I was looking for a store where they sell ice cream boxes. Immediately I found one.

"Apple and Yoghurt, please.", I ordered.

A moment later, I saw Jess standing on the shoreline and watching the horizon.

"Jess!", I called and she turned around to me. I recognized, how Jess was checking my body and to be honest - I liked it.

"Oh, hi Zac! I recently wanted to go to you and ask whether you'd like to take a walk with me. We're on holidays together and I stroll alone, excuse me, I'm so impolite, haha.", I detected her starring at the box. She must be hungry! ASK HER!

"Of course, I'd love to! I bought some ice cream and I'd ask you if you'd like to share it with me?", I smirked.

She affirmed and we took place at a calm corner, where we still could observe the horizon quite well. All of a sudden Jess asked me: "Oh my god! You're so amazing! I absolutely LOOOOVE apple and yoghurt, how could you know they are my favorite?"

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