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'Great Ash, just fucking great...'

I bump my head against the steering wheel, accidentally honking which throws me back into the obnoxious reality of traffic on the way to my first day of work in this damn busy city. Since the first day, seriously the first day, I've been regretting coming here. This place is just full of cars, filled with rude and disrespectful people that can't even drive properly, mixed with annoying screaming children (and sometimes even adults).

'I'm gonna be so late...What a wonderful first impression...'

As I roll my, what people like to call them, chocolate brown eyes, the many cars in front of me finally start to move again, this time even a little bit faster than earlier. A sigh of relieve leaves my lips, that are about to bleed after biting them for a good half an hour. Yeah...bad habit, i know. My face lites up a little at the thought of not being as late as I thought I would be. Sadly, the going traffic suddenly stops again, making me groan out loudly and bury my face into my hands. Well that lasted long...

Reaching the hospital about one hour and some minutes, that I stopped counting at some point, later must be the most relieving thing that has happened to me in these past few weeks. I take some slower steps the closer I get to the big building, after parking my car in a with "staff" marked parking lot.

'Hmm...looks pretty new and not that bad.."

I quickly adjust a button of my shirt before stepping into the clinic through a, actually pretty big door, made of glass. As an about 6'1 guy, it really means something when I say a door is big. I stop my feet from walking further to admire the relatively large hall that I just stepped foot in. The pearl colored tiles that don't let any shoe not make a noise cover the whole floor in the room while the walls are painted in just the same color. Besides a lot of plants in plain pots, people walking, running and rushing around, there isn't really much in here. No decoration or anything special to look at. But I honestly expected that, I mean what else should a hospital look like?

A sudden, a bit pitched, voice pulls me out of my thoughts back into reality. I turn a little to look at the smaller, fawn haired female that just greeted me pretty enthusiastically.

"Hello Sir! Are you by any chance Doctor ehm.."

She quickly pulls out a small piece of plain white paper which seemed to have my name and other smaller information about me written on it. After a quick glance on the note, the woman, who might be a pretty young nurse, puts it back into her pocket and shifts her eyes back up to me, a small smile resting on her thin lips as she folds her hands in front of her.

"Doctor Kim..?"

I think about raising an eyebrow at her for a second since my name is well...not that hard to remember, but decide not to do it and just simply hold out my hand as a greeting. As i'm actually genuinely excited to be here, I smile at her while waiting for her to take my hand and shake it. The female takes a short moment to look at my hand before quickly shaking it, smiling back up at me as she does so.

"Yes I actually am, by any chance, Doctor Kim. You must be a newer nurse here?"

For a second the woman has a slight shocked expression on her face. I wonder if that's because she really found the right guy or because of my statement...But before I can think any further about that, she raises her voice again, just slowly letting go of my hand.

"Oh is it that obvious? Well I just became a nurse a few weeks ago so this all is pretty new...Oh! Right I should actually-"

Before the nurse can finish whatever she was about to say, another nurse, this time a blonde male, rushes up to us and lightly puts a hand on the females shoulder. He seems pretty out of breath as he is about to say something to both of us.

"I'm...really sorry to disturb your smalltalk..b-but we really need you guys to go to work's so busy.."

A slight confused look makes it way on my face after hearing his word with a lot of breaks to breath in between. Someone told me i won't really have to work on the first day since I should get used to everything at first before really jumping in but...I guess that also didn't last long. After whispering a little with the other nurse, the male looks at me with a questioning look. I just simply nod at him since I don't really know what else to say to that.

"Great! Fantastic! Let's go before Mike chops my head off...again.."

With that, he gets hold of my and the nurses arm and drags us both across the hall and into a labyrinth of hallways. It looks like he can find his way through it even when he's blind so I don't really worry about getting lost...yet.

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