A Promise-Chapter 1

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Today was the day. I, Rachel Vaquez,would be moving from Oregon to Floirda. Our pack was switching states, we now have territory in Floirda.

I was kind of sad. My best friend Chelsea King wouldn't get to come with me.

We made a promise,however, to stay in touch.

Right now we will be on our way,flying first class.

"Don't forget your keys!" I yelled to my brothers.

"OKAY, GEES" They said at the same time. Did I mention they were twins? Let me introduce them to you, Ross and Tyler.

I rode with Tyler to the airport. When we arrived he said "See ya"

"Bye" I said and got out. He was gonna get on a later flight but Ross would go with me.

We just talked about random things the whole way there,soon enough I fell asleep.
I was awoken by a flight attendant,how long did I sleep for???

I looked around for Ross,he must've already got off. As I was getting off I noticed him a few feet away from our bags,flirting with a girl. I rolled my eyes,typical.

I decided to embarrass him,so I marched up to him and yelled "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS,ROSS,WE HAVE BEEN DATING FOR 2 YEARS!!" Then to top it off,I slapped him. By now the girl was gone and Ross's face was a dark shade of red. I went up to him and whispered "Thats revenge for not waking me up."

I picked up my bags and walked outside to see my G-Wagon outside. Ross got in and we put our stuff in the back,20 minutes later we arrived to our house and saw....

Hey guys! This is the first chapter,thanks for reading!

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