8 Letters

30 2 0

  How will you know if someone is serious or someone is joking? These days it really is hard to determine if one is serious or just playing around. It's really hard to take the risk, but risking is better than regretting. It's really hard to trust because once it is broken, it's so hard to build up that trust again, It won't be like how it used to. 

If you find the right one do you really need to give everything? Can't you save at least a little for yourself and how will you know if you already found the one? How will you differentiate lies from truth? Of all the lies I've heard I LOVE YOU was my favorite. 

That 8 letter word.  Why is it so easy for you to let go of that 8 letter word while here I am having a hard time saying it........not because I don't.....but because I'm scared that if I say it, I might lose you. 

8 LETTERSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ