Chapter 5 Tris POV

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I wake up to the door shutting. There is a pile of clothes for me as there was yesterday. I quickly run to the door without changing, and open it. I look left then right and I barely see half of someone turn the corner. I run after them. I don't like the secrecy going on with people. Just because I don't remember anything doesn't mean I'm not human! When I turn the corner, the person is stopped with his back to me. I stare for a moment. I take a step closer and he turns. He has a strong, certain look on his face. That scares me, like he knew I was going to follow him or something.

        "S-sorry," I turn quickly to go to back to my room. 

        "Wait," He says startling me. I turn back toward him I'm a few feet in front of him. "Sorry for intruding back there, I didn't want to wake you up."

        "Your Tobias aren't you?" I say not caring his apology. 

        "Yeah," He scratches his head, "That's me." There's an awkward pause we don't make eye contact. I decide to break the silence

        "Well I will just let go do your business and I will just head back to-"

        "Can we talk?" He says. Again, startling me.  He is so unpredictable its quite amazing. He is an interesting being in general. I wouldn't mind talking to him. I just hope he sees me as me. Not as his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend, I think. I push the thought to the side.


        "Huh?" I look at him.

        "You still there?" he laughs, "Do you? you don't have to."

        "Yes. But I have to um, get dressed." I look from his eyes. He laughs. When I ran down here, It didn't cross my mind that I'm still in a large T-shirt, shorts and no shoes.       

        "Meet me by the security checkpoint when you're done." 

        "Okay, see ya." 

        "See ya Tris," He turns and walks down the hall. I head back to my room. I am so happy from some reason. I get dressed in the clothes he brought me. Without realizing, I'm dancing around, spinning. Geez, Its almost like I'm on Peace Serum. Wait, Peace Serum? Where did that come from. I'm not as giddy as I was because of thinking. I'm trying to connect Peace Serum to something but nothing comes up.

        I'm almost running down the hall to the checkpoint. I slow down when I see Tobias so I look casual. I walk up to him sitting on a bench next to the security checkpoint. He gets up when he sees me. I'm a few feet away now.

        "Hey," He says, "Follow me." And I do.

We walk out of the airport. We walk out past the large concrete area, we walk quite a ways.

        "What's Peace Serum?" I look at the ground

        "It's a serum to resist anger and make your peaceful. Why?"

        "Just wondering," I say causally. We then  walk quietly so its a good time to think. I'm still wondering about Peace Serum. Peace Serum. Peace Serum. I look at Tobias, then at the ground again. Wait, I look at Tobias closer. I stop. Tobias looks at me.

        "You okay?" He asks. I stare at the ground. Peace Serum. Amity. Tobias. Random memories from that faction appear in my mind. Only those memories though. I don't remember anything else from before. Just when I was in Amity, with Tobias. I was under the Peace Serum and he was carrying me. Everything was beautiful. Trees, Buildings, People. I remember saying something too. What was it. It was when Tobias was carrying me. I placed my hand on his face and said "Your beautiful, you know?". I laugh aloud at the thought. It made me giddy and happy.

        "What?" he asks

        "I remember!" I shout. His expression changes from concern to surprised. 

        "Remember what?" He says stepping closer, "Tris, do you remember-"

        "Amity. We were in Amity together. Weren't we?" He nods. " I was under the Peace Serum and you were carrying me. Right?" Another nod. He looks puzzled.         

        "Tris, do you remember anything else?" 

        "No.." He looks even more puzzled.

        "How do you remember that?"

        "I- I don't know. I thought about how I was acting like I was on Peace Serum when I was, Uh." I don't want to tell him I was excited enough to see him, that I felt overly giddy, like I was on Peace Serum.

        "When you were what?"

        "When I was a," I guess I have to tell him now. I don't look at him but say, "When I was getting ready to see you....." I start walking in the direction we were walking before. Still without making eye contact. 

        "Tris," He laughs,"This way." he waves his hand to the direction we are going. 

Without realizing, I pout. 

        "No need to pout." he laughs. I can't be mad so a laugh with him.

We walk to a little creek and sit down next to it.

        "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

        "I know your still in there."  he looks into my eyes, which brings chills to my bones. "You just need encouragement to come out."

        "You really want me back don't you." I know that's obvious. He looks down

        "Yes, but right now I need a friend,"

        "So do I, so." I say, "Will you be honest though? I really want to know what I was like. Why you would die if I did. and Why it's a big deal I lost my memory. Didn't a lot of other people lost theirs too?"

        "Yes, we care so much because you weren't just a person. You were Tris. Thee Tris. Everyone who knew you loved you or envied you. You were selfless, and brave. You had purpose in life. And still do." He grabs my hand. Again startling me. He looks into my eyes. "I'm gonna be honest with you. I love you and I will forever, even if you don't. But, I believe you can fight this, and come back. You have fought many different serums before. You fought the Death Serum for gods sake! Tris, you can do it, I will help you. I promise." He squeezes my hand then lets go. I feel electricity in my hand. Being with him just feels... Right. like its where I should be. I don't remember deciding, but I fit my hand with his again. He seems surprised when I do. I don't care about anything in the world. All I know is I need to get my memory back. If I feel this much connection to him, I know this is real. He is real. We are real. Even if I don't remember. I feel it. I have to fight. For him. For me,

For us.

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