12- Sickness

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"My Heart was bulletproof until I met you"

I woke up feeling warm, but it was a good warm. I snuggled into whatever was so warm. I slowly opened my eyes when I felt it moved. I looked up. It was Joshua. I hadn't realized he was so warm before. He was like a giant protective teddy bear, or maybe even a space heater. I frowned, seeing his face really red. I wiggled from his arms and felt his forehead. I frowned deeper when I noticed my hands were restrained with thin oven mitts, or baby mitts I'm guessing. I bite and tug at them, trying to get them off. I pouted when I realized I couldn't get them off. I got up and went to find one of my big brothers to help Josh. "Bubba!" I yelled out, wanting one of them to hear me as I toddled over to the hallway. "Bubba?" I looked around, my legs getting tired. "Nana, what are you doing up? Josh is supposed to be looking after you," Marc picked me up. "Marc, Yoshi is sick," I looking at him with puppy eyes. "He is?!" His eyes widened as he took me back to Josh's room. "Must've been that chipotle we had for lunch," he sighed as he felt Josh's forehead. "Come on baby, let's watch cartoons okay?" I nodded and clung to him. He got me some apple juice in a dinosaur sippy cup and wrapped my favorite blanket over me as he turned on Nickelodeon. I watched teenage mutant ninja turtles as it played, snuggled up in Marcus who was only watching me. I giggled a little at him. "Coo-coo?" I asked him. "Yes Nate?" He asked softly. "Where's other bubbas?" I asked innocently. "Their rooms, but I'm sure they'll be out soon," He cooed. I blushed at the way he's treating me. "Okay," I nodded, not realizing I was starting to suck my thumb. "Baby don't do that," he says as he pulled my thumb away and placed something rubber on my mouth. I'm guessing it was a pacifier since they want me to be a baby. I looked at the screen, seeing that it was now Spongebob. I smiled a little as I watched Spongebob annoy squidward. After a few hours I notice Timmy is walk in. "Timmy!" I hop up and hug him. "Hey Nana, how was your nap?" He asked. "Good," I nodded as I snuggled into his chest. "You enjoying your cartoons?" He asked as he picked me up. I nodded as I hugged his neck. "Yeah," I giggled a little. He suddenly laid me down on the couch and check my diaper, which I didn't like at all. I squirmed from him. "Alright, let's get you changed," he picked me up and took me to my room where I saw that they had changed into into a nursery. I blushed as he sat me on the big changing table and began changing me. It was very embarrassing since he saw ever inch of me. I was so ashamed of it since it was under developed. "Baby why are you just now getting shy?" He asked as he put some sweats on me and picking me back up. I don't reply to him as I cling to his shirt. "Awe that's okay," he pat my head as he took me back to the living room so I can watch tv. I pout when I notice that Marcus wasn't in there anymore. I look around, wondering where he went. "Bubba?" I asked as he looked around. "He's checking on Joshua," Matt says as he came from around the corner of the kitchen. "That's okay Bubba, we can watch cartoons with you," he bounced me. I nodded as I moved my bangs. "Okay," I smiled a little. He sat on the couch as well as Mathew; I was sitting on both their laps. I love my bubbas. I hope Yoshi gets better soon. I don't like when he's sick. It's ucky.

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