Chapter 4 ~ World Star!!

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~A week later~

Me and Alex sat at the bar talking with Mike as he made our drinks. "The ladies love me in a thong! I've been wearing them all week to show them off to my fans!" Alex bragged. "Alex we don't wanna hear that!" Mike said. "Right!" I agreed. "What? I can't talk to my guy friends about thongs?" "Fuck no! Not around me." Mike shook his head at him. "But they feel comfortable! You guys should try them sometime!" "My junk too damn big to be fitting a G-string, Alex." I said. "Then don't wear a G-string, wear the bigger thongs." "Man nooo!" "They're only comfortable to you Alex because you have a small dick." Mike blurted out and I spit out my vodka. "Bro!" "Ok Mike you ain't had to say all of that. Fuck you!" Alex got pissed.

Another dancer walks up and interrupts our convo. "Heyyy! Are y'all done talking? Because I'm thirsty as FUCK. Mike make me a Sex on The Beach." "Ight mutha'fucka damn." Mike rolls his eyes and turns around to make his drink. I hate Lane's ol rude ass. And he's fake. He's nice one minute and shallow the next. He turns to me. "Hey Jacob, I love the silk. Where'd you get it from?" he asked. "Why do you care? Last time I checked, you've been calling me cheap ever since I've started working here." he roll his eyes. "I'm just kidding. Jeez, chillax man, it's just a joke. Why are you so sensitive?" "And why are you always a rude asshole?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Good question Jake." Alex nodded. "Tuh, I'm not rude. I just have a BIG personality unlike y'all." "A big shitty personality." I mumbled. "What was that boo boo?" Lane gets closer to me. "Nothing. Now move out of my personal space."

Mike gives Lane his drink and he leaves. "Finally, that bastard left." I sigh in relief. "I lows think Lane has a thing for you Jacob." Alex mentioned. "No the fuck he don't. He clearly likes girls." I said sipping my vodka. "Yeah it may seem like it but in the changing room I always overhear him talking about you to the other dancers." "Like what?" "Nothing much, I just know he always got your name in his mouth for some reason." Mike leans over the counter to us. "Hm, it seem like he's a little fruit cup. You better watch out Jacob." "I don't care about his sexuality, I just fucking hate his attitude and personality." "True cause same here." said Alex. "Plus don't he have a girlfriend living with him? Why would he want me?" I asked. "He could be bi." Mike shrugged. "Or he could just be a straight sassy dude. Ya never know." said Alex. I honestly don't care who Lane is into. He's a bitter human being.

"Welp, Imma hop on stage. Talk to y'all later." Alex waves at us and leaves to get ready for his performance. A group of girls run towards the stage to see him. I turn back around to finish my drink and then I sit the glass down and got up from the stool. I turn around and see Lia standing right in front of me. "Whoa! Lia, hi!" I said smiling real hard. "I told you I'll be back." she stands with her knees together and her arms are behind her back. I can tell she's nervous. "Ready to spend some time alone with Papi?" I asked grabbing her waist. "Yes! Hehehe!" I take her hand. In the corner of my eye I see someone rushing towards us. "Papi! Papi! Wait! I've been looking all over for you!" I look up seeing Tiffany out of breath.

"Hey, it's nice to see you Tiffany but I'm with someone right now." "Are you serious!? I've been here all night looking for you! This chick JUST walked through the door with her loud ass friend and she gets picked first!?" I put my face in my palm. "Tiffany can you chill out? It's not that serious. She came to me first for a lap dance." "So?!" she shrugged. "Girl, can you calm down? It's first come first serve. I went up to him first so you're gonna have to wait." said Lia. "FIRST COME! I was here first though! Papi can you explain to her what first come first serves mean?" Tiffany said crossing her arms. I sigh, "Tiffany...she came to me first, so I'll be with her first. You'll have your chance after we're done." "Ughhh!!" Tiffany pouts and stumps her feet. I get in her face. "Tiffany if you don't get your act together then you won't get a dance from me. Try that shit again!" She takes a deep breath then starts to calm down. "Fine, you're right. I overreacted and it wasn't necessary. I'm sorry Papi." "It's ok boo." I softly pinched her chin and she smiles at me.

I take Lia into a private room in the back and I let her take off my gold and silky cardigan. "Your skin is really soft Papi." She massages my arms. "Thanks baby." I wink at her. "God blessed your genes." she said giggling. "I'm blessed with this too.." I pull down one side of my shorts showing off my V-line to her. Lia covers her mouth to hide her smile. As I pull them down even more, I hear shouting from outside. "GET OFF OF ME STUPID BITCH!" I paused in shock. "What the hell?" "I wonder what's going on." Lia looks scared. I hope that's not Tiffany out there yelling like that. I turn back to Lia. "Let's try to ignore them."

I place her hand on my print. "Ooo!" she rubs my dick a little and then removes it. "Aw why'd you move it? I don't mind." "I'm not supposed to touch the stripper, remember?" "Ah, well I'm giving you my permission baby girl. Let Papi treat you right." I grind in front of her. She starts to breathe harder as I got closer to her.

"AHHH! LET GO OF MY FUCKING HAAAIIRR!!" Me and Lia both jumped in fright. I hear a bunch of noises and loud voices outside. "Hold on Lia, Imma see what's going on out here." "Wait! I'm coming with you!" Lia jumps up from the couch and follows me out to the public floor. All I see is hair flying around. "What the hell!?" Tiffany and Deja are fighting all across the strip club. Couches and tables were flipped over, weave on the ground, and a stripper sitting on the floor who looks slightly injured. Security tries to break up the girls. As big as the guards are, they couldn't manage to tear them away from each other. Lia runs over to the fight. "Lia! No!" I chase after her as she tries to throw Tiffany off of Deja.

"Get off of her!" Lia puts Tiffany in a chokehold but that's not stopping her from punching the shit out of Deja. I honestly don't know what to do. I ain't trying to get into a middle of a girl fight. They're vicious when they go at each other. Another security guard comes flying and tackles Lia onto the floor. Mike jumps in and pulls Tiffany off of Deja. "Don't you ever put yo fucking hands on me, BITCH!" Tiffany spits on Deja and marches off with Mike and one of the guards. Deja cries in her hands. This is so ridiculous. I can't believe that just happened. 2 more guards pick up Deja and carried her away. The guard that tackled Lia gets off of her and leads her out too. I go after them.

All 3 girls were held by guards outside the club, each were scattered. One of the guards is on the phone calling the police. I walk over to Tiffany. "What happened!? Why were you and Deja fighting?" she wipes blood off of her lip. "I was trying to get a private dance with one of the other strippers and then that heffa bumped me out of the way so she can get a dance and she saw me standing there first!" Well damn, Tiffany got a lot of nerve. Didn't she do the same thing to Lia when she showed up before her? Ha, wow.

"Tiffany you did the same to Lia though." "I know and I apologized. But her friend literally bumped me and when I told her to watch it she got all in my face and put her fucking hands on me for no reason. Me on the other hand, didn't touch Lia." "True, but you were still trying to take her spot." "I know but look, that's not the point! She touched me and that's when shit went down." I sigh deeply. "And I'm sorry that happened." I rub her arm to calm her down and she starts crying. "Shhh, everything will be alright." I hug Tiffany and I let her cry on my bear shoulder.

Meanwhile the police show up for questioning and my manager, Ms. B went over to talk to them. They let Lia go since all she did was put Tiffany in a headlock. But Tiffany and Deja were sent to the police station in handcuffs. "Ma'am, I'm so sorry for tonight's incident." Lia told Ms. B. "It's fine honey." Security sent everyone home for the night since the girls messed up the furniture in the club. It's a hot mess in there. I ran back to the private room to grab my gold cardigan and then I ran to the dressing room to put on my regular clothes.

The strip club was empty when I walked out of the dressing room. Mike and some of the guards were fixing the tables and couches that were knocked over. I zip up my hoodie as I went outside and I see Lia standing next to her car. I walk to her. "Hey Lia, you should go on home. It's getting super late and chilly out here." "I wish I could, but this is Deja's car and I don't know if she have the keys on her or did they fall somewhere in the club." "Ohh." "And the guards won't let me back in to find them." "How about I take you home tonight?" I asked. Her face lights up. "Sure, that's fine with me."

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