Necrafa Night: The Boons

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A/N Necrafa Night is Halloween (yes I was somewhat influenced by Nightmare Night from MLP). For each holiday I plan on doing five chapters, posting one chapter a day, starting two days before the holiday and ending two days later. The first chapter will focus on Kasey, Em and their kids, the second will focus on Piper and her orphanage, the third (posted on the holiday itself) will focus on Arkayna, Zarya and their families, the fourth will focus on Kitty and her kids and they will all be set at the same time to build up to the fifth chapter that will focus on all of them together.

          Kasey sighed as he found himself hanging upside down by the ankle. Em bit back a laugh as she came into the entrance hall and saw him like that.

          "When will Necrafa Night be over again?" Kasey asked her as she helped him down.

          "Not for hours yet, it just started." Em replied, a teasing smile lighting up her face. "Are you telling me a big tough sky pirate like you can't handle the pranks of a couple teenage kids?"

          "I'm walking into my own home with the mail, not an enemies lair with a bomb; I don't expect to have to watch my every move." Kasey defended.

          "There's not much difference anymore." Em pointed out. "Honestly, I'd rather battle an entire specter army by myself than deal with Copper and Chrysy today."

          "At least neither one of us is alone." Kasey comforted his wife.

          "Small comfort." Em sighed as she pushed Kasey to the side, another trap throwing smoke bombs at the doorway.

          "Huh, must've been one of Chrysy's." Kasey remarked.

          "Kids! Get up! It's time for breakfast!" Em called out.

          "Can I serve Copper's breakfast?" Chrysy asked with an evil smile; as usual, the first of her siblings to be ready.

          "Sure, but then he gets to serve yours." Kasey told her as Em went to get her boys.

          "I want to eat before work." Chrysy complained.

          "And I don't want to be the victim of another one of your pranks." Kasey retorted. "I guess nobody wins."

          "Sorry Dad." Chrysy innocently replied, batting her violet eyes. Kasey sighed. Why does she have to look so much like her mother? He thought to himself, he just couldn't stay mad at that face.

          "Go prank your brother and try to avoid getting any of the rest of us."

          "Yes!" She pumped her fist and raced into the kitchen. 

          "She may look just like her mother but she acts just like her aunt." Kasey muttered to himself as Em came out with Pyrite clinging to her.

          "He got caught in the cross-hairs." Em explained.

          "I hate Necrafa Night." Pyrite pouted.

          "I know buddy." Kasey replied, patting him on his shoulder. Copper came streaking into the room.

          "It's Necrafa Night!" He exclaimed.

          "Why is the entire day called that?" Pyrite asked.

          "Well, originally we only celebrated the night." Em explained.

          "But then the teenagers need an entire day to cause trouble." Kasey added. Pyrite considered that for a moment.

          "I don't wanna be a teenager." He announced. Kasey chuckled.

          "We don't want you to be a teenager either." Em replied as Copper shot into the kitchen to tease Chrysy.

          "We're heading to work now, don't be late!" Kasey called after them. "Come on Pyrite, we'll get some breakfast on the way; it's safer."

          "And don't forget the party at the palace tonight!" Em added, following her husband and youngest son out. All they heard in response before the door closed were some shrieks and mad laughter as the prank war began.

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