Necrafa Night: The Palace

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A/N Happy Halloween! Sorry for the late update, I had a bunch of stuff going on today. Anyways, here's the third Necrafa Night chapter, about preparations at the palace. This is kind of set before the events of Future Mysticons, so the kids aren't Mysticons and they're all still hanging out with their respective families.

Arkayna took in a deep breath as she left her room. She waited expectantly, but nothing happened. Cautiously, she began to make her way to the dining room. She was rather surprised when she made it there without incident. When she arrived she saw that, as usual, Mystica was the only one that beat her up.

"Nobody set up traps last night?" Arkayna questioned, serving herself some breakfast from off of the magically heated platters the servants had already set on the table.

"I already deactivated them all." Mystica casually replied.

"That makes more sense." Arkayna agreed as Shaylia strode in, piled some food on a plate and then left again without a word. "Good morning!" Arkayna called after her.

"You should just be glad that she left her room to eat." Mystica remarked.

"I suppose you're...." Arkayna sighed as the last part of her reply was cut off by several loud crashing noises. A few moment later, Zarya came stumbling into the room, half-asleep and followed by Vivyan and Everyn.

"Good morning." Arkayna said. Zarya groaned in reponse, grabbed some coffee and started heaping food on her plate.

"Mom's not a morning person." Vivyan remarked.

"And yet you seem perfectly perky." Zarya complained.

"Thanks to a certain psychically connected twin..." Vivyan shot a glare at Mystica. "...I've been awake for hours now."

"But it took you all that time just to drag yourself out of your nice, soft, warm, comfortable bed." Mystica shot back.

"Stop imagining it; it's still too early for that and now I want to go back." Vivyan stated, rubbing her temple. Mystica gave an evil smile.

"On the bright side, it's Necrafa Night and we'll have the party and get to see everyone." Everyn said with a smile.

"That reminds me; I've got to call Kitty and plan our prank for Piper." Zarya chugged the rest of her coffee, then grabbed her plate and phone.

"Why?" Arkayna warily asked.

"Because she's planning one with Neeko as we speak. This happens every year." Zarya replied as she left the room.

"She makes a good point. I'm gonna go try to prepare for whatever Kaddy brings." Mystica rose to leave as well.

"I'll come to and get in touch with Kyle. The three of us can weather out the stormrager together." Vivyan winked and Mystica gave a very unamused look.

"Please stop." She said as the two of them left together. Arkayna could hear them continue to bicker down the hall. She turned to her daughter.

"Well, I have the day off and they all seem busy; what do you say the two of us get this place decorated for the party?" Everyn squealed with delight.

"Yes yes yes!" She bounced out of her seat and flew to her mother's side. "Let's do it now!"

"Whoa! I kind of meant after breakfast." Arkayna replied, a little taken aback by Everyn's enthusiasm.

"Oh, right." Everyn said, blushing a fiery red.

"But now works to." Arkayna quickly added, not wanting to make Everyn feel bad.

"Really?" Arkayna stood up, put her arm around Everyn's shoulders and led her out of the room.


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