Necrafa Night: The Pink Skulls

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A/N Another late update! I've got to work on that. Anyways, here's the fourth Necrafa Night chapter, focusing on Kitty and her kids. Tomorrow (hopefully earlier in the day) will be the fifth chapter, focusing on the party at the palace with everyone. There we get to see the pranks that are being planned.

          Kitty glared as Kaddy popped up on deck. Kyle stopped short as he followed his sister. He waited for a moment as Kitty glared and Kaddy innocently smiled back.

          "Well?" Kitty asked her daughter.

          "Well what? I haven't done anything. Yet." Kaddy returned.

          "Oh really? So what do you call the monkey wrench in the engine compartment?"

          "A wrench in the works?" Kaddy was positively oozing false innocence.

          "That is actually pretty clever." Kyle said with a slight smile. Kitty smirked, leaving the wheel to come down to her children, holding up the monkey wrench.

          "Yes, very clever. So clever that it means we won't get to Drake City for another three hours." She shoved the wrench into Kaddy's chest and strolled off to get some food.

          "Owch." Kaddy said, holding the wrench.

          "Owch? That's all you have to say for yourself? Now it'll be another three hours before we can get to Drake City and see the others! Thanks a lot, Kaddy." Kyle threw his hands up in exasperation.

           "Seriously? Is this just because you have to wait a little longer until you see your girlfriend?" Kaddy asked, a little sarcastic and a little confused at her usually calm brother's overreaction.

           "Gotcha." Kyle said, pointing at her with a grin.

           "Kyle! You...!" Kaddy glared at him as she realized she'd been played.

           "Happy Necrafa Night." He replied with a flourishing bow, before striding off in the same direction as their mother.

           "You'll pay for that!" Kaddy yelled after him.

           "And how are you going to do that?" Kitty had somehow managed to materialize back at the wheel, munching on a bagel.

           "I'll figure something out." Kaddy told her, still seething that her older brother had managed to play her like that. She was supposed to be the mistress of playing people! Kyle had hurt her pride by managing to fool her and he wasn't getting away with that.

           "Well, I know a thing or two about getting back at brothers." Kitty remarked with an offhanded shrug. That piqued Kaddy's interest.

           "What would you do?" She asked, leaning on the railing.

           "Think big; something to do with his girlfriend." Kitty instantly replied. "And I happen to know that Vivyan hates the color gold."

           "Really? But she lives in the palace."

           "Exactly; she's sick and tired of that color. It's everywhere. Plus Kyle's long due for a haircut, it's longer than Zarya's." Kaddy snorted.

           "Everyone has longer hair than she does."

           "It's longer than it used to be." Kitty replied.

           "It's barely past her shoulders!"

           "That's still about 3 inches longer than it used to be. And considerably better kept." Kitty remarked.

           "How can she stand that? Long hair is awesome." Kaddy replied, lovingly stroking her waist-length pink curls. Kitty shrugged.

           "It can be a bother. There's pros and cons to both and it's really up to the individual."

           "Whatever; I have a brother to deal with. And hair is my specialty." Kaddy gave an evil smile.

           "You need to get a hobby." Kitty told her as her phone started ringing. "Hey Z-Star. What are we going to do about Piper and Neeko this year?"

           "And I'm the one in need of a hobby?" Kaddy muttered to herself as she left to check her collection of hair dyes.

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