Waiting, still waiting...

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I spoke to Coco and Chelsea for a few minutes before Ruel walked in, with no shirt on, asking where it was. I looked away in respect as I didn't know him. He saw me and ran out of the room cursing under his breath. I went redder than a fricken ripe tomato.

Coco grabbed his top and walked out of the room, apologising for her brothers rude language and no introduction. I smiled the most awkward smile possible, as one of the security guards, who I believed was called Gary, walked in saying that more people had arrived. I thanked Chelsea for having me in there, while walking behind Gary.

As I was walking through Ruel and Coco began walking towards me, In other words, Coco was pushing Ruel in my direction as she whisper shouted at him to apologise for being rude. Which in my opinion he wasn't, but Coco wasn't convinced.

They stopped just in front of me, Ruel looking towards his feet. " I see you found your shirt" I laughed nervously as he looked up at me, while Coco left us, Gary stood waiting by the door for me to go. He also laughed awkwardly before apologising for his behaviour. I told him how it was no problem and that I wasn't offended. "Ummm, what's your name, it's rude that I hadn't asked before" Ruel blurted out while we were talking about random things. "I'm Cleo". " nice name, I'm Ruel" he replied, face palming himself at his reply, remembering that I would already know that, especially as I was currently wearing his merch. I just laughed, a genuine one rather than the previous awkward ones. "Happy birthday by the way" I said as Gary ushered me towards the door so Ruel could get ready.

I thanked Gary, who then told me his name was Jeffery and I walked away awkwardly to the front of the line that was growing larger. I started messaging Eliza about my encounter with god (also known as Ruel in his human form),when a group of girls giggled and asked me my name. "Cleo" I said before carrying on with my message. " hey I was wandering, what were you doing in there" a tall ( around 5'10") girl with straight blonde hair asked me. I told her that " I was alone out here so Coco asked me to come and hang for a little while until people arrived" I simply answered, followed by many more questions from the girls. Another girl who had more mousy blonde hair and was a bit shorter (5'8" ish) and a girl with medium blonde hair, with lighter highlights who was about 5'8 too started to giggle as they asked if I had met Ruel. I nodded, trying to dodge their ongoing questions. I decided to ask them about themselves, which seemed to interest them. The tallest girl was called Mia, she seemed to be the "leader" of their group. She was 16, along with the other girls, and in year 11, as they were the oldest of their year. They told me about all the guys that love them, yet they've never had boyfriends? The darker blonde was Tilly, she seemed nice and slightly less, as I would put it, Gobby?? Then the last was called Emily, she was the copy cat of Mia and seemed to follow her every comment. I found out that Tilly and Emily were non-identical Twins

 I found out that Tilly and Emily were non-identical Twins

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^^.                                ^^.                   ^^.
Emily.                          Mia.                Tilly.

After a while of chatting they started to loosen up and we all got on quite well. A friendship began as we got ready to plan a sleepover for the future. They live in Oxford, which isn't too far from where I live, making it slightly easier to organise it. We exchanged numbers and carried on chatting as more people we added to this huge line that was forming. I began to need the loo, so asked Gary ,"Jeffery", if I could go inside to the toilet, which people had previously been escorted to. I wandered in seeing Coco inside. She rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug, checking to see f I had made friends. I nodded and thanked her for earlier. She called over Ruel, which creates a small conversation between us. It was short lived as I excused myself as my bladder felt like it was going to explode. I told him that as he laughed at my description of the mess I would make if I didn't go right now.

After doing my business I walked towards the door, to then here a " see you later pee pee pants" I smiled at his childish remark, looked behind me and said "see you shirtless Shaun" he laughed and I left the way I entered. The girls saw my blush and asked what happened. I just said " don't worry" as we carried on chatting for a 2 more hours or so before it was time to go inside for the big performance.

Mia, Tilly and Emily had been arguing for the last half an hour about who was "going to get with Ruel". They looked downwards at me as I'm 5'4", so they are a few inches taller than me , asking me who I think would get with him. I said that they all had an equal chance. Hey heyyyy I was just trying to not start beef. Turns out it made it worse as they carried on with it until the gate finally opened, letting people through one at a time.

I have an inset day todayyyyy that's why I'm actually writing, kinda shocking i know 😂 School tomorrow tho, and extra German after school 🙄😂 joys of GCSEs (well they're in over a year Cos I'm year 10 but hey!?)
What school year r u guys in and where are you from (like county or state or whatever...)

And again...happy 16th Rueloff 😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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