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"That one's quite nice." Carl says, pointing to a nice one bedroom modern flat with a nice view of the city.

"Yeah." I agree, clicking into it and viewing the price.

It's definitely affordable, the question is, do I actually want to move out?

It's not that I want to break up with Harry, it's just it turns out our relationship isn't as steady as I thought it was, and maybe we should make sure our relationship is strong and stable before we start living together.

"You should go for it." Carl encourages.

"Shall I?"

"Yeah, look the number is there. Give it a ring."

Before thoroughly thinking it through, I dial the number and wait for an answer.

"Hello, Ruth Porter speaking." A woman's voice sounds, I hesitate.

"Hello, I'm Skye. I'm interested in renting out your flat for a while." I tell her.

"Oh hi! Yes, if your interested it's yours, your the first person to call as the advertisement was only put out there today. If you agree now, I'll send you the paper work by tomorrow and you can have moved in by next week" She says, She sounds excited.

"Yeah, I think I will move in." I say, I want to live alone for a while. I need some clarity.

"Cool, are you sure? I'll take my advertisement down so I don't get anymore calls." She says.

"Yeah I'm sure. May I ask why you don't want it anymore?" I ask, what if it's haunted.

"I'm moving to New York, I don't want to completely get rid of it though, because I'm only going to be in New York for 3 years whilst I'm at Uni." She explains. She sounds pretty old so I don't know why she's going to uni.

"You're in uni?" I ask.

"Well, I'm forty two, but I'm going back to study literature for a while as I'm planning to write a book by the time I'm fifty. I want to achieve something in life." She laughs, I join her.

"That's interesting. The flat is really nice by the way! Modern!" I compliment.

"Thank you! It is ever so fancy, I think I'm a bit old for it, but it's so flash I just love it." She squeals.

"I can't wait to move in. I'm in college. Uni next year." I tell her.

"Oh, pretty young then! How old are you?" She asks.

"I'm nearly eighteen. My mom just died so, I don't really have anywhere to live." I admit, I don't know why I'm getting so personal with this woman I don't even know.

"You're a homeless?" She sounds shocked.

"No no, I'm living with my boyfriend at the moment. But I think I'm a bit young for all that, so I think I should move in on my own for a while. Take things more slowly, make sure he's the one." I tell her.

"Oh that makes sense, well done sweetie. you Seem to make good choices. I'm sorry about your mum." She says sympathetically.

"Thank you. I have to go now, I'll text you my address." I say, my heart beating fast at the thought of moving out. I can't believe I'm actually going through with this.

"Okay dear, thank you for speaking with me." She says sweetly.

"It's a pleasure, bye!" I say and hang up the phone.

Carl stares at me with shock on his features.

"Shit you're actually doing this! I thought you were only ringing up to get more information about the flat!" Carl smiles.

"I know! It's all just happened so fast! Do you think I made a mistake?" I pout.

Carl shakes his head.

"No way. You're a strong, independent woman. Do you want a lift home?" He jokes.

"Yeah I do actually." I nudge him.

"Good, where's Harry's house?" He asks me curiously.

I tell him and he begins driving me.

It's been two days since I found out about Harry lying to me, and I still haven't confronted him.

I guess I'm just going to have to lay it all out on the table for him when I get home. We need to talk this whole thing through, I want him to know that just because I'm moving out doesn't mean I love him any less, I'm doing it for the good of our relationship.

If we move too fast then things will just get messed up. I don't want to ruin this beautiful relationship so soon.

"Is it that one?" Carl points to the house.

I nod and undo my seatbelt.

"Thanks for the ride." I smile and climb out of the car.

I forgot my key so I'm going to have to knock.

Carl waits in the car, probably to make sure I get in safely. He is so sweet.

I give him one last wave goodbye, and knock the door.

"Hello lovely!" Harry grins as he answers the door. This is gonna be really hard.

"Hey." I smile.

"Did he drop you off?" Harry asks, referring to carl.

"Yeah he's right there." I sat, turning around. But when I do, his car is gone. That was quick, I don't know why he would speed off like that.

"Oh, he's gone." I say embarrassedly.

"Good." Harry curls his lip.

"Harry, I need to talk to you about something. It's important." I say as I walk through to the living room.

"Have a seat." I instruct.


Another quick one, sorry. I know not much is happening in each chapter but I just want to get into it more. Chapters will get longer soon, sorry their quick.

Hope you all enjoy.

Fixed (Torn Sequel) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now