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"Hello?" I answer unsurely, it's 7 in the morning and I have college at 10, I should be asleep. Who the heck is calling me?

"Skye? Skye Morris?" A very recognisable woman's voice sounds and my breathing hitches. Fuck.

"Yes." I say, this time my voice much smaller and more timid.

"It's Ruth Porter. You've probably been expecting my call. I sent you the paperwork about your new flat, about a week ago actually, I never heard back." She explains, I completely forgot. I was so loved up with Harry.

"I'm terribly sorry," I start, glancing at Harry next to me. His perfect angelic features resting as he continues to sleep. "I had some complications about moving out. it's fine though."

"You still want it right? I didn't just take it off the market for nothing?" She says deflatedly.

"No, I still want it. I will go and fill the paper work in for you now and get it sent to you when I can." I say, guilt stirring inside me.

"Okay, it's just.." Ruth hesitates. "My course at uni starts next week so I was hoping you'd be settled in by then because obviously I need to meet you and show you around." she explains.

I realise she can't see me nodding and make a noise of agreement.

Harry stirs in his sleep and his drowsy eyes crack open. A small frown creasing between his brows.

"So will next week be okay for you?" She asks.

"Yes." I agree, "I will have moved in by next week."

I close my eyes and cringe, feeling the weight from Harry's side of the bed lift as he storms out of the room.

"Okay thank you dear. Get that paper work filled in." she reminds me.

"I will, goodbye."


I hang up the phone and sigh deeply, I really just want Harry to understand that it is for the good of our relationship.

It's not just me being a drama queen and trying to get away from him, i love him so much. too much. I want to stay with him for as long as I live I just fear that this relationship won't last long if were already spending so much time together this early on.


Me and Harry don't speak all morning, it's 9 now so we need to leave in about half an hour if we want to be at college in time. We have both showered and gotten dressed and had separate breakfasts so even he must have subconsciously known that we will need to talk about this.

I am wearing a tight black pair of jeans with a burgundy crop top and a cream coloured oversized wooly cardigan. I an also wearing a little bit of makeup but nothing too excessive.

I'm nervous to see everyone again, I would have thought more into it but I have been more concentrated on other things...

"Harry.." I sigh, looking at him.

"What?" He says blankly, staring at the floor below me.

"Can we please talk? Like adults?" I ask, shyly.

"Like adults?" He scoffs. "Skye your the one acting all lovey dovey with me then planning to move out behind my back."

He looks hurt, he won't Even look at me.

"It's not like that." I try to defend myself. "the woman, she rang me. I had completely forgotten until she called me."

"Don't try and act so innocent. I took you into my house with open arms when you were an annoying emotional wreck and I fucking looked after you. The minute you don't seem to give much of a shit about your mum's death, you decide to quickly move out. You have completely disrespected me and to be honest, I'm glad your moving out." He looks at me as if he's stabbing me with his eyes, I cringe in pain and try to shake his mean words out of my head.

Fixed (Torn Sequel) Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now