Mesmerised Confusion

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It's euphoric, gazing into the eyes of mystery.

A single glance, a single touch could scald your skin.

A vigorous smile, insanity lingering behind his luring, vibrant aqua blue irises.

Seduction and a lovely grin, traces of a perfectly crafted human being, made to satisfy.

Although, where there's light, there's always shadow, for perfect humanity,

is the most villainous species of all.


Lively colours lit the once midnight sky, fading from a navy blue to vibrant shades of pink and aqua. Shadows stretched behind the large offices and apartment buildings of Seoul. The view once enhanced by hazy fog and neon lights, now shining with the natural lighting, elicited by the burning sun. Above them, in the sky, where Jungkook wished he had lived, in peaceful fire, burning with passion. Along with something, someone to keep him company. Although, reality is not as beautiful as he wished it had been.

The sky faded into a dark crimson, enlightened by a dim orange glow. Jungkook studied the patterns on the ground, circles, triangles, rough and soft patches, carefully crafted into the concrete. No lights illuminated this night, the only light coming from the endless void of dark gray clouds and blackish red lighting the once prepossessing sunset. He focused, anything to distract him from the world crumbling before him. It had been his own hands, his own fault. Dead bodies laid in the streets, terrified expressions etched eternally on their sorrowed faces.

Jungkook awoke with a gasp, cold sweat beading down his forehead. Memories of the dream replayed in his mind, all of the chaos. It felt so real, as if it were the mere future, just ahead of him. It was his fault, anyways. His own ideas reflected into his mind, drawn into lovely pictures in a simple book that rested underneath his bed.

"Damn," he murmured, his voice soft as he wearily shifted his blurry gaze around the room, his mind at war. Everything was spinning, spiraling around him. Three voices in his head shouted, blocking out all noise from the outside world. It would not stop. He held his head, shaking it helplessly.

It was like this every morning.


The raven haired swain wandered the streets hopelessly, searching in vain for a new victim. He groaned, dread filling his worn-out senses. Nobody in downtown Seoul fit his liking; all either too normal, or too strange. Nobody had that lure, those crazed eyes, hidden behind a bittersweet smile. Was Jungkook a little specific? Yes, but these are people he would kill- these are people who he's risking his life for. He's a known serial killer with no name, and in case he would be caught, he refuses to have a less reputable profile. 

It was the same, grim searching before someone finally caught his eye. A boy, who looked around eighteen or nineteen. Engaging, vibrant aqua irises, inexplicable enough to lure you. A winsome smile, the sun not to compare to. Jungkook's eyes shifted down further and further, pointing out distinct features on the youth's ethereal body.

It was time to make a move.

Jungkook strut over, a poised act displaying for all glorification speaking in both median and personage minds alike. His hips swayed confidently, catching the youth's curious eyes. Seeing nobody in attempt of speaking to him, he swiftly slipped in the way, a striking smirk plastered on his face. "Why, hello." he spoke, charmingly, his voice tinted with flirt. "What is your name?" sometimes, minimal emotion would show in his voice- although, he was able to hide it well, the youth had caught onto his act.

"Kim Taehyung," the boy spoke, that lovely smile displaying on his defined features. "And you?" he asked, batting his eyelashes. Jungkook knew by that moment he was up for a fight, keeping up the charming attitude that glowed among commoners. 

"Jeon Jungkook, it really is a pleasure to meet you." he picked Taehyung's hand, kissing it softly. He watched the youth's face turn red ever so slightly, a forced flustered expression that Jungkook knew all too well. It reflected upon himself, to have such an outrageous act, went so far just to keep his skills without recognition, for whoever knew the real him's lives were thrown away. Maybe Taehyung was the same.

"It is nice to meet you too, kind sir." said the, quote unquote flustered boy, who almost grimaced when Jungkook snaked his arm around his waist, whispering into his ear, something inaudible to ears who were listening into the strange act.

Why don't you come with me?

The youth blushed forcedly, gripping onto Jungkook's fairly broad shoulders, choking out a stutter, "S-s-sure."

Oh, how little Taehyung knew, for his sharp wit could not figure out the swiveling mystery shining in Jungkook's dark irises. In no way would he have expected what was to come to him in the near future. 

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