The amazing pacing of the story

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When Story got home that day she was all mangled up and she was tired. She sat down on her couch and stared right out in the air for a lack of anything else to do. Suddenly out of nowhere a black wizard and came towards her. How he came in to her house and how he even knew where she lived is never going to be explained.

Anyway, the wizard came towards her and channeled red clouds out of his hands. Ha had a beard which said to Story that he was old and wise. Just as he was about to kill Story and made this Story have a happy ending, a red wizard appeared and blocked the attack. How he knew where Story and the black wizard where and how he got there so fast is not going to be explained either.

The red wizard opened a portal and dumped the black wizard in there. Story still sat in the chair and she didn't know what to say. The red wizard began his super boring information dump on Story. Because we don't want to hear that I'm gonna summaries it here.

You, Story are the chosen one and you're going to come with me to train and be a good girl and stuff. You're going to go trough this with a friend tho because the author don't want to introduce the readers to new characters with no personality what so ever.

Story called Writer and they met up in a restaurant. Why they didn't meet up at Story's home is actually going to be explained.

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