Sometime later

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When they finally where ready to go to the fantasyland the red wizard came. Or was it some other color? I don't remember because it was so long since I wrote that. Anyway, the wizard that saved Story from her death. How did he know when they where ready? I don't know. Maybe he went on what he felt or maybe he had some kind of crystal ball. Wait, that is really creepy if he is just keeps a crystal ball somewhere in his house that watches over someone 24/7. What I he saw her on the toilet? Or getting change? Ok I'm getting off topic. Let's just continue with the story.

When the red wizard came he immediately took them to the fantasy land. Not giving them time to say good bye to their pare-...wait. She is not going to have parents because she needs to be missrable. Story doesn't have any parents because they might have brought some happiness to her life, and we can't have that. What about Writer you may ask. She is also very miserable and have abusive parents. If you're one of the main characters you have to have a tragic backstory, that's the rules.

Anyway, they arrived at the fantasy land. They landed in a forest and for some reason they didn't die from their fall. Their clothes did not get torn either. They looked around and the wizards house where only a couple of meters away. Lucky they didn't destroy that.

Anyway, they went to the house and the wizard gave them a big plate of pancakes. Wait, isn't a fantasyland have the technology, food, research  and knowledge of those that lived during, like, the 1500 century? Isn't that like a rule? Did they have pancakes back then? Do I care about these questions? Of course not! I'm gonna ignore those questions.

The wizard spoke when they ate. He asked if they wanted to hear why he brought them there and the lands history. Now you're probably wondering "didn't they already hear that from him in chapter 1/2/3?" And to that I say...nothing. Because I'm going to ignore you now! I wanted to get to describe my characters as soon as possible.

The wizard started explaining about the two kingdoms in the fantasy land.

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