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    It was cold. The damp musk of June air brushed against your face, unusual, but still welcomed. Normally in other states or different regions it would be hot, and dry. Here, it was cold and wet. Good ol' Detroit. You splashed through a puddle, soaking your shoes and eventually making your way into the police station, where you were supposed to have a session with Captain Fowler, about a promotion of some sort. 

    You slung open the door, letting it shut behind you with a loud 'thud!' , as you shook yourself off, and emptied your leather shoes onto the patterned door mat. You proceeded up to the front desk, greeted by a colleague of yours, that you'd worked with a while back. "Good afternoon. Fowler wanted to see me-?" You fiddled with a pen that was sitting on the desk. He smiled. "Good afternoon to you, as well. And, yes. One moment, please." 

    He picked up a phone that was situated adjacent to his laptop. He pressed 9 on the keypad, then dialed a random combination you weren't familiar with. He chatted for a moment, then signaled you up into the office diagonally vertical to your right, and you headed up the stairs into the glass-exposed office. As soon as you entered, a tall android gazed your way, it's eyes almost scanning you, as if trying to overlook any details.

    You sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, eager to discover what kind of ranking-up you'd gotten. You'd been waiting to get a promotion the whole time you've worked here, which, let's say had been a long time. About four years, if you recall? "Hello- is there anything in particular you wanted to see me for?" He looked up at you, putting down a file and scooting up his chair.

    "Yes. I told you about your promotion, right?" You almost jumped in your seat. "Yes. You did." You were basically holding onto the edge of your seat. You hadn't had enough money to buy yourself food for the past week, almost. Fowler smiled at you softly. "Don't get your hopes up too high there, darling. Just get whatever bullshit idea you've put into your head about this out, because it's probably ridiculous." Your heart sunk. Was it not what you'd thought?"

   He raised a finger, pointing to the well-kept robot across the room. "Do you see that?" He asked you very sarcastically. "-Uh, yes sir. I do." Fowler scratched the stubble growing around his jawline. "Well, you better get used to looking at it because that's going to be your partner for the next 2 months." Your eyes widened. "Sir?" He furrowed his eyebrows at you. "Did I fucking stutter?" The vulgarity rolled off his tongue awfully mono-toned, obviously showing signs that he was angered in some way. You thought it wise just to stay quiet until needed.

   You shook your head, making eye contact with the android, and then back at Fowler. You had to admit, he was a pretty good looking model. Several scattered freckles laid across his face, creating a soft-boy / serious appearance. If you had to put it in slang, kind of... hot? You cringed at yourself. 

   You snapped out of your haze quickly,  realizing you were staring. You averted your gaze back at Fowler, who was patiently waiting for you to finish whatever you had started. He cleared his throat, handing you the file he had been playing with when you first walked in. "This is the instruction manual, just in case you come across any complications." He stood up slowly, pulling his pants up. "Just like a shiny new toy." You rolled your eyes to yourself, unsure what to do.

   Unexpectedly, the android walked you behind you, following you out of the door.

plastic prick - ❝ connor x reader❝Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu