4. Brain Stew

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Pepper woke up the next morning naked in a room she didn't recognize. She wasn't worried or scared though. The wolf in her chose a beautiful room to drop her into. Of course the door was off its hinges on the other side of the wall but everything else was perfectly pristine. She decided to get cleaned up as she was covered in sweat and some dirt. After taking a shower she freely walked to the closet. There had to be something there for her.

She smiled seeing a mother load of all types of outfits in the walk in closet. It reminded her of a Barbie dream house. She picked out her outfit- a black and gray plaid skirt with a short sleeve white shirt that she tucked in. She paired it with some black tennis shoes that she found a few rooms down.

Her first plan was to locate some magic. As she headed down the stairs she grabbed some candles and was getting closer to the front door. The wolf in her left tracks all over the hotel. It also left a lot of busted down doors.

She let out a soft sigh as she got closer to outside. As soon as she got out she started setting down candles near some flowers to call in nature for its energy.

After taking a deep breath she started chanting. "Invenietum qui postelum, invenietum quaesitum." She repeated the saying a few times over the map she found and it a trail of dirt started forming. She watched it go, but as if someone was blocking her magic, her head was overwhelmed with a pain and she stopped. The spell stopped, as well as the pain and she looked at the map angry and confused.

In dirt spelled, 'Stop trying. You're not going anywhere.' She took a deep breath and looked around.

"Kai?" She called out, standing up. "Kai, you little piece of-" she called out again and her head was overwhelmed once more. "Ah!" She screamed as she fell on the ground. She wasn't sure if this was actually Kai or not. She became a bit worried what was going to happen so she sent out a spell with what she had left in her. "Auxilum!" She spoke through screams as the spell traveled through the prison world.

About 20 miles away Kai was cooking pancakes in the house he made dinner in. As if out of nowhere his sight was clouded with visions of Pepper in pain. He could've sworn that for a second he could feel it, and it felt excruciating. He came back to reality and dropped the spatula on the ground. He turned off the stove and got clothes on thinking of what happened.

He felt as if he had to help. Upon realizing that though, he stopped. He wondered if that's what he truly wanted. Would it be better to have her here or would it just make him more angry?

Then he thought about who she was. He was good at analyzing usually. He found people easy to read especially since most people wanted the same thing, but he couldn't be sure with her. He wanted to know her and about who she was. Not to mention someone had to be a special kind of crazy to get trapped in a prison world... He would know.

He got in the car and thought of the vision. What were the defining signs. He remembered a street sign. It said Baker blvd. He'd start there.

He got to the second Baker Blvd. and there on the ground was Pepper, passed out, or maybe even dead. Part of him genuinely worried for a second. When he walked over he was fine but when he saw her there and didn't see her stomach fill with air he dropped down nervous. He put his fingers against her neck and he very faintly felt a pulse.

He was quickly calm and he looked at her laying there. He'd never seen her peaceful. She was always rushing to find a way out. She always had a look of determination. When she was sleeping though, she looked innocent and content.

He positioned himself and put his arms under her legs and her back picking her up bridal style. He wondered how she even got hurt as he took her to his car and placed her in the passenger seat.

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