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(Y/n) spent an hour trying to call for help but no service.

"Fucking hell. Now what am I going to do?"

A police car shows up out of nowhere as (Y/n) sees the car. She gasp at the sight and waves her arms out.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Over here! I need help! Please!"

The car stops in the middle of the road and a sherrif walks out of the car.

"Hey doll. What's going on here?"

"I'm on a trip to San Antonio but my car broke down. Can you help me?"

"Sure I can. But first you need a place to stay. You can stay at my place until we can get your car fixed."

"Thank you so much. Sherrif..." (Y/n) take a look at the sheriff's badge and his names "Hoyt"



Hoyt drives (Y/n) to his house after fill up the trunk and backseat of bags and starts a conversation.

"So tell me. Why on your way to san Antonio?"

"Oh well, it's a long story. Let's just say I had a crisis with my ex so I want to start fresh by moving away to live with my family."

"Is moving your choice?"

"Yes it is. My family don't like him from the beginning but I want them to get to k ow him better by spending time with him but they refuse. And my little sibling keeps calling a bad guy."

"And they're right. We all know what's good for our kids. Alright we're here. Wait for me."

Hoyt and (Y/n) arrive at a 2 story white color house in the middle of no where. (Y/n) wonders why is hoyt living in the middle of no where. Hoyt came back out with a tall guy with a black mask covering his nose and mouth.

"Tommy I got you something. A hot mama."

(Y/n) stood there dumbfound. Hot mama? Tommy? Did Hoyt trick her?

"Take her to her room Tommy and guard the door." Hoyt orders the the masked man. The man in mask opens the door and pulls (Y/n) in his arms.

"Sherriff what's going on?"

"What does it look like? You ain't going anywhere you staying here with us or you'll be the key ingredient for our supper tonight. Now what's it gonna be? Be Tommy's friend or ingredient?"

That's when (Y/n) realize she's not only stuck here without a car, she is a prisoner of cannibalism.

"I choose to be his friend. Just please don't hurt me."

"Atta girl. Now Tommy take her to her room and come back to help me with those bigass bags."

Tommy picks up (Y/n) in bridal style and walks inside the house. When Tommy walks upstairs, (Y/n) looks up at him, wondering why is he wearing a mask. When Tommy stops at a door, he puts (Y/n) down back to her feet and opens the door.

(Y/n) walks inside, gazing at her room with no emotion

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(Y/n) walks inside, gazing at her room with no emotion. She turns around and see the door is close. (Y/n) runs and jumps on her bed and starts to cry. She's now a prisoner.


Back at the farthest point at Texas a man is at a strip club with his friends trying to get his mind off his ex girlfriend but he can't. He's looking through his phone of pictures of his ex. And that is (Y/n). The man has a gallery of (Y/n)'s pictures. He's desperate to get her back. He smiles at an idea that pops up on his head. He has a plan.

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