#8 Healing

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No one's P.O.V.

Time skip...

It was a week since everyone got to know about Lloyd's anorexia!
Everyone thought that with medicine that Zane gave Lloyd would get better but there was no such luck!
Lloyd couldn't eat much, and every time that he had to take medicine was worse and worse!
He had to take bigger doses because his sickness was progressing!

And then after 2 more days he couldn't even take medicine by himself...

Kai was spending all of his time with Lloyd, helping him and hoping that he will win his fight with anorexia...

Lloyd's P.O.V.

I can't take this any more!
It was only a little bit more than a week but the pain is eating me from inside...

Every time I look into the mirror I see only one fat, ugly boy.
Kai said that I'm too skinny and I need to gain more weight but I just can't...

Right now I'm laying down on my bed waiting for Kai to come!
He told me that he will get the medicine and come.

After about 5 more minutes Kai came in but he didn't came with usual medicine! He came in with a pretty big white box!

Lloyd:" Hey Kai... What's in the box?"

Kai:" Just some medicine! The old one's didn't work so well so we got a stronger once!"

Kai came closer and put the box next to me!

Kai's P.O.V.

I was in the living room waiting for Zane to came with Lloyd's new medicine!
Lloyd is already getting used to his old one but it doesn't work...
He is getting weaker by every day!

Whan Zane came back he showed me how to use all of this and gave me the box with the medicine!

After that I go back into the room were Lloyd is!
As I came in he was still laying on his bad. He looks really weak.

Lloyd:" Hey Kai... What's in the box?"

Kai:" Just some medicine! The old one's didn't work so well so we got a stronger once!"

I came closer to Lloyd's bed and put the box next to him!

Now he has to take a lot more of medicals. If these ones doesn't work then we will have to move him to the emergency room and work like in real hospital!
I really don't want it to happen...

I open the box and take out first pill's, I gave them to Lloyd!

Each day he has to take pill before eating and pill after eating!
The at the end of the day he has to take one more pill and then I have to inject some other medicine into him!

When Lloyd drank the pill I picked up a needle and got ready to inject it!

Kai:" Can you give me your hand?"

Lloyd didn't replay!
He just gave me his hand turning his head away!
I know that he is afraid of needles, but I'm happy that he understands that he needs them!

I took his hand he is so skinny...
I hold the needle next to Lloyd's hand I look at him before injecting it! He looks like hi is about to cry...

Kai:" Don't worry Lloydie... It's gona be alright...



I inject the needle into his arm! Tiers started to flow down his cheeks!

Fear is a powerful enami, I'm sure that he almost didn't feel the needle but he is still crying...

I took the needle out put it down and hugged Lloyd!

Kai:" See? Wasn't so bad..."

To be continued...

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