Telling The brother Figure/Mother part 4

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Kiba's wolf form up top👆👆😄😄
Last on "Werewolf mate" :
Naru's p.o.v
"Kibs im hungry can we go in now?" I said to him. He said back " I know your hungry and bored so mom can we go inside now?" He said the first to me then the second part to his mom.
"Oh in so sorry for not greeting you. I'm tsume Inuzuka. Come on in and get comfy on the couch and I'll call you when dinner is done. OK and come give me a hug." said Tsume giving Naru a gentle hug and smells three other smells "Naru did my Kibs get you pregnant during your mating?" she asked me in a whisper. I whispered back " yea, I'm also going to have girl cravings for the pregnancy. I really love your son." she let go and led us into the house and introduced me to Kiba's sister "Hanna this is Kiba's mate and Carrier for their kits and his name is Naruto but Naru for short, your going to be an amazing aunt. OK so be careful with Naru ok? OK then. Now then, both of you need to tell iruka too right? I'm going to invite him over here for dinner tonight so you can tell him."

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the laaaaaaaate update on this story I'm in class right now so
See you next time my Foxies

Werewolf MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon