Chapter 1

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Dahlia's POV

Mum, Aunt Lily and Uncle Prongs came into mine and Harry's room with fear etched into their faces, as Aunt Lily picked up Harry, Mum picked up me and held me close as there was an explosion downstairs making us jump, Harry began wailing,

"Lily, Jen go...I'll hold him off" Uncle Prongs said,

"But you have no wand" Aunt Lily whispered,

"I'll do it wandless...just get the kids out...I love you" Uncle Prongs said as he gave Aunt Lily a kiss and Harry a kiss on top of his head before leaving the nursery, Mum looked down at me giving me a weak smile, before placing me back in the cot, alongside Harry,

"Protego" Mum whispered as there was a thud, making Aunt Lily gasp as tears escaped her eyes, the nursery door creaked open revealing a man in a black cloak,

"Please..." Aunt Lily pleaded as she stood between the cot and the man,

"Avada Kedavra" The man cursed and Aunt Lily dropped to the floor with a thud making my eyes widened in horror, while Harry cried for his Mum so I hugged him, Mum let out a strangled yell as she charged at the man only to drop to the floor too,

"Mamma!" I cried, the man approached us and aimed his wand at Harry as we both stared at him with our tear stained faces, I remember the word Mum whispered, "Protego" I mumbled,

"Avada Kedavra" The man said again as the green light emitted itself from the wand but rebound as the man dropped to the floor.

I gasped loudly as I jolted from my slumber, with sweat rolling down my forehead,

"Dahlia? Are you okay?" Ginny's little voice asked from the side of me, I nodded

"I'm fine. Don't worry" I answered giving her a smile, she slowly nodded and went back to bed, I climbed out of bed and made my way downstairs and outside of the burrow, sat down on the ground and looked up into the sky, "Happy Birthday Harry...wherever you are" I whispered, I heard the front door creek open as two sets of footsteps approached me, then Fred and George sat next to me both sharing their blanket with me,

"What are you doing awake D?" Fred asked, I sighed

"Nightmare" I replied, they both hugged me,

"The same one?" George questioned, I nodded

"We've told you before D. If you ever have a nightmare come wake us up. We don't mind" Fred stated, I smiled weakly at them both

"I know...I just..." I trailed off, they both raised an eyebrow before shaking their heads,

"We don't care. Now come on. It's almost time to go shopping for your first year at Hogwarts" George asserted, as they stood up holding their hands out to me, I sighed taking them and they pulled me up, we made our way back inside and got changed before heading down for breakfast where Molly was rushing around, getting everything prepared,

"What house are you hoping to be in D?" Fred asked as we sat down,

"Gryffindor, like everyone else" I answered, they smiled

"Now don't be twisting her into your pranksters ways" Molly warned, I changed my hair to ginger, I was a Metamorphmagus, just proves that all my ancestors pure blood breeding finally screwed up,

"What can I say Molly? Prankster blood runs through me" I laughed and I returned to my natural blonde hair making the twins laugh.


We arrived in Diagon Alley, George and Fred was in charge of making sure I had all of my things while Molly and Arthur took Ron around, we went to the bank to get me some money, and thank you Mum and Dad because I'm loaded we went into Ollivander's to get my wand,

"Miss Black I was wondering when your time would come" An elderly man commented as he stood on a ladder in the back of the store.

After we got my wand which was a Beech wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ½ inches, with an unbending flexibility, we made our way to get my books but was stopped by two girls

"Weasleys!" They yelled as they tackled them with a hug, laughing

"Oh who's this?" One of them questioned as they pulled away,

"This is Dahlia Black. Dahlia, these our friends the Ridgeback twins, Aurora and Valeria" Fred introduced, my jaw fell open as did theirs

"They're also in Gryffindor" George added,

"Dahlia? Meaning-"

"Our little cousin" Valeria finished off Aurora's sentence, I nodded and they tackled me with a hug

"Oh my god it's so good to see you!" Valeria yelled,

"We missed you!" Aurora exclaimed,

"Girls, have some decency. The poor girl will be...oh god" An older woman stated, as the twins unlatched from me

"Auntie Mel?" I asked, she smiled opening her arms which I happily accepted and she hugged me, she pulled away and inspected me,

"You look so much like her, minus your eyes. They're definitely Sirius' especially with the mischief behind them" she commented, I smiled "My god haven't you grown" she stated,

"Although I'm sure that this catch up has been wonderful, we've got to continue shopping for her" Fred interjected,

"Of course. I'll see you around. Stay safe Princess" Auntie Mel said placing a kiss on my forehead before departing,

"We'll see you at Hogwarts" Valeria stated,

"Fingers crossed for Gryffindor so we can cause some mayhem" Aurora winked before they followed their mother, I slapped the twins arms,

"Why didn't you tell me you were friends with my cousins?!" I exclaimed as we continued our way with shopping.

"I didn't know they were your family" George replied,

"It didn't even cross my mind that you were related" Fred shrugged.

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