Part 2

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This part starts with you(Supergirl) stopping a robbery. Than someone else shows up to try and help you. He starts causing a lot of problems in your life.

Supergirl: Really, like guns are going to stop me. What the heck?!?!? Who are you and why are you here? No stop, WHat are you doing?

M: i am helping you.

Supergirl: I don't need help. I can take care of myself. Now answer my question, Who are you and why are you here?

M: I am Mxzypltix and I am here because I .

*Back At The DEO*

Kara: Look, I told you he came in with this magic stuff and then Told me he came here because he loves me. Then He disappeared. *looking at mon-el* Hey, you made it to work on time.

Mon-El: Yes, I did. So this strange guy loves you. Do you love him.

Kara: No, why would I love him. You get so jealous over the stupidest things. Lets just talk about this later.

*Later That Day...*

Mon-El: Hey, we didn't get to talk earlier. You have been avoiding me all day, clearly you like this guy.

Kara: Seriously Mon-El, you are being crazy. I do not like him. Also I have been at CatCo all day and then DEO has been trying to track him down.

Mon-El: You couldn't take two minutes off to talk to me.

Kara: I have a life Mon-El and I can't focus on you every second of the day. You're acting like a child right now! This jealousy thing is getting out of control! You think I like every guy I talk too. I'm not talking about this anymore.

Mon-El: I let you talk to anyone you want.i am sorry if I get a little protective when a good looking guy that can give you anything you want says that he loves you.

Kara: Are you serious Mon-El?! The only guys you let me talk to without you getting jealous are my closest friends.

Mon-El: That's crazy! I do not do that.

Kara: Really! You thin you don't do that.

Mon-El: Well sometimes yes. I get jealous, not a the time though. I'm mad now because you like this guy .

Kara: OH MY GOD! Mon-El! Stop! I do not like him!

Mon-El: I just don't want anything to happen to us.

Kara: That's not the point Mon-El. Now I told you I was done talking about this. *He keeps pulling her back because he wants to talk with her.* OH MY GOD, stop it. *Pulls her again* Stop fighting me on this. I am done with you and your jealousy. So until you figure this out. Maybe we just need to take a break for a while.

* Walks away leaving him in the DEO*

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