Part 9

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You are Kara/ Supergirl.


*The Next Day*

Kara: Alex, I'll be fine. It's only my second day. Oh my god, stop calling! Alex, I have Winn now, I met him yesterday. The name sounds familiar but he's my only friend there right now. Ok I have to go, bye.

*In the Office*

Winn: Hey Kara, ok ms. Grant is coming in today? You got lucky yesterday, she was at a meeting in Central City, but today she's back. have you got everything?

Kara: Yes Winn, I'll be fine. Why are you so worried anyway?

Winn: No reason, you just seemed so stressed yesterday. So i'm just making sure you have got everything handled.

Kara: Ok, well thanks but I got everything. Are you ok? You're acting a little weird, I mean I know I have only known you for a day but your acting different.

Winn: Yeah, I'm fine. That's just me.

Kara: Oh, your weird in a good way. I mean I'm weird too. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at talking to people yet. I mean never! I have never been very good at talking to people.

Winn: Ok... I can help you with that. Talking to people I mean.

Kara: Ok, thanks I guess. You seem to always want to help me.

Winn: I'm sorry Ms. Danver! It seems like helping you is illegal!

Kara: You're crazy!

Winn: She's here.

*Everybody stands*

Kara: Oh, we stand.

Winn: Kara, your up.

Ms. Grant: Yes I was gone, but now I am back so get back to work. Kira come!

Kara: Winn, I thought my name was Kara?

Winn: It is now go.

*Winn pushes Kara*

Ms. Grant: You are finally back, now make sure you have those dinner reservations. It's very important. Also if you are ever gone for that long again I will kill you.

Kara: Noted, I was doing something... for a year apparently.

Ms. Grant: I don't care.

Kara: h, dinner, you'll kill me if I'm ever gone again, anything else.

Ms. Grant: Yes, a new coffee! Kira, I let you come back after a year and you can't remember a coffee order!

Kara: Um, I'm so sorry?

Ms. Grant: How many times have I told you, never say sorry!

Kara: I'm sorry. I mean not sorry, sorry. Crap. You make me nervous.

Ms. Grant: Stop! Now I need those articles, go talk to the reporter!

Kara: Ok, I'm right on it.

Ms. Grant: Don't go yet!

Kara: Ok, sorry. Not sorry! Shoot, stop doing that a Kara. I'll stop now. I do that now. Talk to myself, I mean. I know it's annoying. I'll just sit up.

Ms. Grant: What are you doing?

Kara: Uh, standing?

Ms. Grant: I trained you and now you are a dumb puppy dog again.  What happened to you. I need my old assistant Kira back. Just leave! You better have everything done by the time I talk to you again.

Kara: Crap, that sucked.

*Later That Day*

Kara: How are you always on time?

Alex: Because I'm Alex. We had a deal if you got to live alone then I could visit whenever I wanted.


( I also have 2 other stories if any of yall would like to read them. Best Friends Brother is based off the show Riverdale. Tom Holland is for all you Hollanders out there. If anyone has questions for me just leave them in the comments and i will get back to you ASAP. I was thinking about making a Harry Potter themed story so if that is something you would consider reading comment down below.)

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