Chapter Ten

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Halloween night, Manda's POV

I was in my room getting changed into the costume Bucky and I had picked out. It was quite simple, but I thought it was cute. I had a pair of fuzzy black cat ears on, with furry black paw gloves and boots, and a fluffy black tail. 

The rest of my costume just consisted of a black tank top and leggings. I had taken some costume makeup to draw on a nose and whiskers and then added some basic lipstick and mascara. When I did a full body twirl in front of my body mirror, I smiled to myself. I liked it. 

In the room next to me, Bucky had just gotten his costume and was changing into it. No one except me knew what their costumes were, and the only reason for that was I had bought mine. Everyone else's was a surprise. 

I stepped out of my room, playing on my phone while I waited for Bucky. He didn't take very long. I glanced up when I heard his door opened, and I smiled. I wasn't exactly sure what or who he was supposed to be, but I liked it. 

He was clad in a blue jacket with a leather strap connecting to a side holster under his right arm, brown cargo pants, leather boots and a belt with multiple compartments. His long brown hair was tied into a bun at the nape of his neck, and he was beaming from ear to ear. He obviously liked his costume, making me smile. His smile never left his face as he came over, and seeing my confusion he explained.

"This was my uniform in the 40's. Not my Seargents one, but this was my Howling Commando's gear." He had a sneaking suspicion that Steve had helped with it. I smiled and stood up.

"I like it!" I said, and I meant it. It really looked good on him, and between the bun and the fact that he'd shaved, you could see his face properly. 

We headed down to the party that was just about to start, and unsurprisingly the halls were empty; everyone was already downstairs. We exchanged a glance as the elevator opened, and we made our way to the party room. 

Music was already playing, so it wasn't hard to find. Bucky opened the door for me and I stepped in shyly, eyes widening at just how many people were there. Bucky led me over to where Stark was preparing for his speech. Most of it he was going to make up on the spot anyway. 

We stood on the corner beside the stage, and Stark climbed the steps. The room instantly fell quiet, the DJ behind him paused the track and the whole room fell silent in under ten seconds.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman!" He called, receiving cheers and screams in reply."Have you all been enjoying yourselves?" More cheering. "Well, the party just got ten times better, because, well, I'm here! All I wanted to say was that you all need to enjoy yourselves, that's a must, and the bar is on the house tonight! Go crazy guys!" He called loudly, turning and walking back to where the rest of the Avengers were. Bucky and I moved to join them, and I looked up at him, not sure what to do. As I said, I'd never really been to a party. 

The music started up again and half the room started dancing again to the blaring speakers. We quickly moved away, having stupidly stood directly in front of one of the massive speakers. Bucky saw my discomfort and extended his hand to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked jokingly. I smiled and nodded, and he pulled me onto the dance floor so we blended into the crowd. 

It was an upbeat song, and he immediately started dancing. I laughed a little, and smiling, joined in. I had to admit, I loved the loud music blaring at me from all angles. The two of us danced for a few hours before finally tiring out, moving over to the bar. 

Bucky moved behind the counter, nodding at the bartender, and pulled out a beer for himself, and a cream soda for me. He slid it across the counter, before sitting down beside me, panting slightly.

"I didn't know you could dance that well," He told me, making me blush.

"I usually do it when no one can see me," I replied sheepishly. I had to admit, that was fun. I removed one of my paws to open my drink, downing half of it. I let out a random little laugh. Maybe parties weren't that bad. Then again, it probably wouldn't be half as fun without my best friend there with me. 

After cooling off, we went right back onto the dance floor, as Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' had just started. This time it was me pulling Bucky over, him slightly confused at my excitement. We danced all night, occasionally being joined by some of the others. 

It was somewhere around 4 in the morning when the party started dying down, most of the guests now drunk, including Tony. He had had way too much to drink, and it was hilarious to watch him as he interacted with others. 

Bucky and I excused ourselves from the party and headed up to our apartment, both of us exhausted. We briefly said our goodnights, each of us heading off to get changed. 

I removed the ears, paws, and tail, staying in my tank top and leggings, before working on removing my makeup. It took a little longer than usual, but after that, I was out like a light, songs from the night still whirring around in my head. I really did love Bucky's costume, and I knew he did too. 

I was already liking it here.

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