April 18, 2020

525 6 0

Jake: I wake up and I am not in my cell. I freak out and I see Erika on my side. I don't want to wake her up so I go on my phone and log in to my social media. I am impressed I still know the password. Man I missed this. Oh Erika is awake.
Erika: Good Morning Jakeyy. How was your sleep last night?
Jake: Good morning babe. So amazing. I am still freaked out that I am here. But I am going to get used to this. I remember my first morning in prison like it was yesterday.
Erika: Do you want to go downstairs and see if anyone is awake?
Jake: Sure. I wonder how Bryan slept.

Jake and Erika head downstairs and go to the Kitchen seeing Team 10 and Bryan all talking. Chef B sees Jake and proceeds to make breakfast for everyone.

Chef: What do y'all want for breakfast?
Everyone: Pancakes!!!
Chef: Okay I will get on that

Jake: Bryan how was your first night here?
Bryan: Amazing I woke up confused on where I am at. Anthony came and got me cause I am so used to being told if I can come out. I guess I am going to get used to this life style.
Jake: I was too confused. Erika brought me back to reality
Bryan: So what apps should I get on my Phone?
Everyone helps Bryan set up his phone but Jake he just stares at his phone.

Chad: You okay Jake?
Jake: Yeah I am just wondering how I should tell the Jake Paulers that I am back. I logged into my social media and I got afraid to touch it.
Anthony: Do you want to make a video today?
Jake: Yesssssss I missed talking to a camera.
Erika: They did miss you
Jake: I had one job and that was to make them smile Everyday Bro and I failed....
Erika: Oh they will understand
Jake: Really?
Everyone: Yeah!!!!!

Chef: Breakfast is ready!!!

Everyone eats breakfast and has a good time talking to each other.

Jake: Okay I am going to tweet something out.

@jakepaul: Hey Ya'll I am back and I am out of Prison. Making a Video right Now. Video will get uploaded tomorrow!!!!!

Jake: Now I am going to post something on my Instagram.

*selfie that has the caption "I AM BACK"*

Its been one hour and Jakes phone and everyone that is involved has blown up.

Jake: I guess the Internet loves me being back. Okay I am going to get a Camera and set up and Make a Video. Man I miss this..

Jake Turns On the Camera and Hits Record:

Jake: GOOD MORNING JAKE PAULERS. I HOPE YOU ARE SMILING CAUSE I KNOW I AM!!!! I am back but not exactly. I will post next week and everyday after that... BUT I WILL SEE YOU GUYS TOMORROW BECAUSE ITS EVERYDAY BRO PEACE!!!!!!

Post Video: YouTube Notification: New From Jake Paul: I AM BACK!!!!

Jake: Damn that felt good.
Jake: I see in the corner of my eye everyone crying.
Jake: Why are you crying?
Chad: We missed hearing that in real life and not on YouTube.
Jake: Aww well what do y'all want to do?
Anthony: ATV's?
Jake: Hell Yeah!! Come on Bryan. Let's go!
Bryan: Okay but do I trust you as a driver
Jake: OH MY GOSH!! I haven't driven anything in 18 long ass months. I think I still got it. And yes you should trust me.
Chad: We should put a GoPro on and record you driveling for the first time in a long ass time.

Jake turns on the GoPro and he realized how much he missed this.
Jake: Okay Jake Paulers I am going to give you my legitimate reaction. Also Bryan reaction. Maybe a new Team 10 member??? *hint hint*

Jake starts up the car and puts his hands on the wheels. It is all coming back to him that he is about to drive.
Jake: Okay I now remember how to do this.

Jake, Chad, Anthony, and Bryan all enjoy the ride for an hour.

Jake: That was so much fun. Oh my gosh look at Bryan's Face.
Bryan: That was so much fun. Thank you Jake
Jake: I am glad we all enjoyed it.

Jakes Phone starts to ring. It is Logan.
Logan: Ayyyyy Jake nice to finally call you and talk to you as a normal human being instead at the visitation room. What are you up too tonight?
Jake: Nothing much. Why?
Logan: Maybe as a family which includes You, Mom and Dad and I go out to eat?
Jake: Okay That sounds fine.
Logan: Okay I will pick you up around 5:30.
Jake: Okay can't wait

They both hang up:

Jake: Bryan you okay being with them without me?
Bryan: Yeah. I will get to know them better and they will get to know me better too
Jake: Okay. I am going to get ready for the dinner as it is 4:00.

Jake gets ready for dinner and now it is 5:30. Jake hears a honk and sees Logan's Car also know as The Yeti

Logan: Hey Jake you ready?
Jake: Yes I am ready.
Logan: Okay great. We are meeting mom and dad at the restaurant
Jake: Okay.

At the restaurant

Pam: This is so amazing to have both of my sons at a table and having dinner isn't that right Greg?
Greg: Yes I completely agree
Jake: Thank You for sticking by me and supporting me through thick and through thin
Logan: To be honest I wouldn't be where I am at without you.
Jake: Awww. Love you guys
Pam: Love you too Jake
Greg: Love you man
Logan: I love you little bro

The Family has a nice dinner together and it is getting pretty late.

9:00pm. Jake arrives back home and sees everyone on the couch watching a movie.

Jake: Hey What Movie are y'all watching?
Chad: Oh we just got done and perfect timing. It was Dance Camp. He wondered what that movie was since we were talking about how you are an amazing dancer.
Bryan: Man you are so talented. Love you Jake
Jake: Love you too.
Erika: You ready to go to bed cause I am tired.
Jake: Yes but let me get a shower and get ready.
Erika: Is there room for two in the shower
Jake: Of course their is....

10:00 pm:

Jake: Today was an awesome day. I love you Erika
Erika: I love you more and I can't wait to be spending more time with you.
Jake: Same. Hey I am getting tired. Good Night Goat
Erika: Aww Good Night Dino

Team 10 falls asleep

AFTER PRISON { Sequel too- Jake Paul Arrested?!?!?} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now