April 19th 2020: Part 2

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As time goes by it is now 3:00 pm

Logan is now calling Jake

Logan: Hey Jake could you possibly come over to my house in an hour cause there are some people who haven't seen you in forever?
Jake:Yeah of course I will Uber over there.
Logan: Perfect. See you then. Bye. Love you
Jake: Can't Wait. Love you too

Chad: Who was that?
Jake: Logan he wants me to come over
Chad: Ahhhhh. Okay. Is it okay if Bryan goes out and has fun?
Jake: I am not in charge of him so go ahead. I will put money in his account now

Jake transfers $1000 to Bryan's Account

Jake: Hey Bryan here is your own Debit Card I put $1000 in it so you can have fun tonight with the crew
Bryan: Thanks man. I owe you big time
Jake: No you don't owe me. It brings me happiness to see others have fun along with me. Also I am going to my brothers house tonight because he has people over that haven't seen me in forever
Bryan: Okay Have Fun.
Jake: You too

4:00 pm

Logan: Heyyyy Jake how are you doing my man?
Jake: Amazing
Logan: Okay good. Let's go sit and wait for everyone to come in

Mark Dohner, George Janko, Amanda Cerny, and King Bach come in.

Mark: Ayyyyy Jake
George: Long Time no see Jake
Amanda: Oh my gosh Jake you have grown so much
King Bach: Ayyyy there is my man Jake

Jake: Hi guys. Haven't seen you guys in forever. How are y'all?

Mark: I am married
George: I am engaged
Amanda: I am married
King Bach: Just chilling

Jake: That is amazing. I am happy for you.

Mark: How was Prison? Sorry if that sounded mean.
Jake: Quite interesting. Don't recommend breaking any laws or doing anything illegal.
Logan: Along with me they also stopped YouTube for 4 months to recover after you going to prison cause it didn't feel right without you on the Platform.
Jake: Love you guys. Like seriously.

Logan's phone rings and he answers it. He is smiling

Logan: Okay Jake. Do you remember Andy Altig?
Jake: Why wouldn't I?
Logan: Go answer the door

Jake opens the door and sees Andy.
Andy starts to cry so hard.
Andy:Ayyyyyyyyyy. I am here to make you your favorite meal. I am so happy you are alive and well.
Jake: Can't Wait

Mark and the rest of the crew left and now it was Andy, Logan, and Jake

Logan: Remember Italy
Jake: Yeah That was so much fun
Andy: I loved that trip
Logan: I want to go back to that time
Andy: Me too. Jake?
Jake: You see now I am like. Yeah that is a fun memory but I can never go back in time cause I will have the same knowledge as today and I don't want to have a ticking time to my time in prison.
Logan: I see what you mean.

Andy: How is everyone?
Jake: They are good. Why?
Andy: I did not feel right to go to your house while you aren't there.
Jake: Ahhhhhhh

Jake and Andy catch up and it was getting late so Jake heads home

Jake enters the house and nobody is there.
Jake: Hello is anyone here?
Nobody answers so he calls Anthony
Anthony: Hey what's up man?
Jake: Where are you guys? I am home and nobody is home
Anthony: Oh we will be home in 5 minutes
Jake: Okay I am going to get a shower
Anthony: Want Taco Bell?
Jake: Is that even a question?
Anthony: The usual
Jake: Yessssss

Jake takes a shower and everyone comes home

Chad: Here is your Taco Bell. Do you want to watch TV with us?
Jake: Sure What are we going to watch?
Chad: Orange is The New Black...... JKJKJKJK. Um I don't know.
Jake: I don't know what is relevant.
Anthony: Oh wait a new episode of my TV Show called " The Blind Date"
Jake: What is it about?
Bryan: Yeah I heard about the show from you all day and don't know about it.
Anthony: Well you are going to find out.
Chad: Can't wait.

After The Show:

Jake is crying of laughter and he hasn't laughed this so hard in a long ass time. So was Bryan too.
Jake: This show is so damn funny. I am proud of you Anthony

Anthony receives a call and It is Chance Sutton.

Anthony: I don't know man. He probably doesn't want to see you like ever. Okay. Okay. I will talk to him

Anthony: Hey Jake do you want to see Chance tommorow?
Jake: Umm I don't know man?
Anthony: Okay I understand
Jake: Fine I will see him tomorrow. But it better not be a yelling visit. I have been yelled at a lot for the past 18 months.
Anthony: Okay. I will tell him you said it was fine.
Anthony texts Chance and says that Jake is fine seeing him tomorrow

Jake: It is getting pretty late. I am going to bed. Good Night Fam.

Chad: Okay Good Night
Anthony: Okay
Bryan: Okay. Sleep well

Jake goes to sleep and he misses Erika but he knows it's only a few days since she is in Miami during swim week.

Jake texts Erika good night and that he loves her.

Jake: What am I doing seeing Chance tomorrow?!?

Team 10 sleeps well

AFTER PRISON { Sequel too- Jake Paul Arrested?!?!?} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now