Chapter 3

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This was fine. He'd handled his feelings well enough before. What was a few more times? And besides, how could he swoon over Sonic when said inferior copy was dead in the ground and the pride that came with finally proving to all of Mobius who was the true superior and real Sonic blocked all other feelings out of his systems?

It's a shame that didn't happen and, instead, his feelings for the organic got his ass kicked.

This, of course, was the reason Metal was scouting the forest to find his counterpart and take him up on that offer for a date. The robot figured that becoming the hedgehog's boyfriend would help soothe the raging urge to smooch his irritatingly gorgeous face off that keep popping up during battle. Spotting the X tornado, he drifted down, landing right next to the hedgehog he was looking for and scaring the living shit out of him, which probably wouldn't help him earn the status of Sonic's boyfriend, but he'd manage.

"Chaos, Metalhead, don't do that." Metal simply stared back at him, refusing to apologize to his inferior mortal enemy, despite the light wave of guilt washing over him. Chaos, these new feelings were illogical.

"So, what brings you here, Mets? Looking for a rematch already?"

The machine rolled his eyes. "I came to take you up on your offer from our second to last battle."

Sonic furrowed his brows in concentration before the realization hit him and he smiled. "Oh, right, that!...Oh." Pink dusted his muzzle. "...Metal, you, uh, you know that was, like, a dating thing, right?"

"I am well aware, correct."

"...Oh. Ok then. That's cool." It was a bit more than cool in his opinion, but if he explained any further, he'd come off as lame and desperate to his crush, and there was no way he was letting that happen anytime soon.


"What activities will we be partaking in?"

"...I'm sorry, what?"

"What do you have planned for our outing?"

"Oh, shit...I, uh, I don't know...I didn't think i'd get this far."

Metal Sonic generated a few beeps akin to sighing. He should have expected that. To be fair, Sonic's experience with love amounted to a not-so-secret admirer stalking him with the intent of marrying him against his will, a short-lived relationship that was whipped from his mind entirely, and a love that he left for reasons Metal knew not of, therefore, he didn't expect his copy to be a romance expert or anything along those lines. "Luckily, I have done extensive research in preparation for this situation and have concluded that the ideal date involves fine dining and witnessing a film, in that exact order."

Sonic chuckled. "Wow, dinner and a movie, how original."

"As a side note," Metal continued, "if all goes well throughout most of the date, I will give you permission to hold my hand during the last 13.7 minutes of the films, the end credits, the possible after credits scene, and when we walk out of the movie theater."

"Whoa, hand holding?! Slow down there, babe," he playfully warned, causing Metal's motor to freeze for a moment at the word babe "I'm a won't-kiss-on-the-first-date kinda guy!" He placed his hand on his Metal counterpart's shoulder as said robot prayed that his rising internal temperature didn't burn his enemy's hand off. "Listen, Mets, how does this sound? You, me, no food, since you don't have a mouth," He silently cursed himself for not taking that fact into account when doing his research and, consequently, appearing like a fool in front of the object of his affection, "And a movie on the couch."

"...That sounds...rather pleasant."

The hedgehog grinned. "Great. It's settled then."



"...So, now what?"

Sonic shrugged and then, a few seconds later, shifted his eyes to the back of Metal's head. "Hey, how about a race? Winner gets to initiate the first kiss~."

Rolling his eyes at the finger guns and wiggling eyebrows that accompanied Sonic's suggestion, he simply replied with a "You're on. However, please refrain from getting your hopes up, dear," (Sonic almost lost his footing behind the imaginary starting line upon Metal addressing him as dear) "I will prove victorious as always."

"Heh, what makes you so sure? I am the fastest thing alive, after all." He smirked.

"That is a true statement. It's a good thing i'm not alive." And then he was off, flying at a breakneck speed as his new boyfriend scrambling to catch up.

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