The real truth

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"Brandon, Do you know what you are?!" The Principal says, with a mix of fear and surprise in his voice.

"....... No." I say, quite the bit confused.

"You are a Werewolf..... This means you can go into primal form...... You gotta learn to control yourself before it goes out of hand..."

"I thought those are myths." I stated, rather plainly, but in actuality, I was shocked and confused.

"That's because the last successor died 85 years ago."

"So.... You mean to tell me I run in the same family line as some fucking myth?!" I exclaim, Not believing him, maybe a tiny bit pissed, because why the hell should I believe him?


"......" And at that, I storm out, without a word. I go to my locker, grab my things and head out through the doors. I walked all the way to the house and stormed in. My parents, who were watching T.V. looked a bit shocked at me.

"You're home.... early. Where's Leo? My mother asks in much of a questioning and almost worried tone"

"He is still at school." I say.

"So why are you home so early? My dad questions me.

"I might be a werewolf!" I just yell out, The anxiety becoming too much. But my parents did something I never would have expected.

They laughed.

"Honey, We knew this would happen before you were born. You father here is a half Werewolf, and I am a half werewolf. We are the only pair of half werewolves there are. 2 halves make a whole right?"

My dad just chuckles. "She's right, If a Normal fur and a Half werewolf were to make a child, It's produce a Half wolf of course, but When 2 Half wolves stumble upon each other, like Me and your mom, Well, The offspring would be a Full blood, which has not happened in 85 years, as you know."

I just sat there, trying to process it all.

"So you guys knew this all along?" I ask.

"Of course! We know everything! Including that adorable crush you have on Leo." My mother laughs while stating.

I give them a blank stare.

"How the hell did you know?

"Well, Sometimes, You are quite louder than you think in the bathroom." My dad chuckles, and my Mom dies laughing.

"This just took a 360 turn towards awkward city, So I'm gonna go to my room. See ya later mum, dad."

About 10 minutes after I go upstairs, Leo comes in, Says hey to my parents and comes up here.

"Hey, Brandon, You alright?

"Yup, I'm fine!" I smile at him genuinely. I had Leo help me out because I am not very great at some subjects. Obvious reasons.

Afterwards, I lay down on the bed, and he gets in with me. He suddenly scoots against me, So I spoon his sleeping figure.

He murrs cutely, And I chuckle, Joining him in his sleep.

Sorry for such a lousy chapter, but I had more planned for it but I did not want you guys to wait much longer! Hope you enjoy anyways...

[DISCONTINUED] It Takes Two To Make A Couple (MaleXMale furry)Where stories live. Discover now