change an i to an o

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the smaller of the two boyfriends awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes. he smiled to himself and wrapped himself with the large comforter, slowly standing as the sun poured through the balcony window.

yoongi makes his way towards their small, yet useable, bathroom to clean himself up before he greets his one and only. he drops the comforter around his feet only to see someone else in the mirror.

what he saw, simply wasn't him.

it definitely resembled yoongi's porcelain features, but this creature had a skinnier face, along with boobs and flaunting hips. yoongi touched his face, and the creature in the mirror did the same, he raised his arms, and the creature copied.

yoongi slowed his breathing, doing his best not to panic. he had heard that dissociating, a common side effect of many mental illnesses, often included seeing other things in the mirror. he decided that this must be what's happening and he would try to continue on with his day just as he would.

he allowed the creature to brush it's teeth, wash it's face, and comb it's curly hair.

he exits the bathroom, comforter still laying on the tile floor, and enters the shared kitchen.

hoseok hears his boyfriend's padding footsteps on the wood flooring and smiles to himself. "you're finally up." he remarks, still flipping pancakes, only he then turns around to see it wasn't his boyfriend at all.

some sort of doppelgänger had entered his household. he wondered, did yoongi have any sisters? and did one perhaps decide to stay last night? he then remembered that yoongi only had one brother who he despised secretly.

but if yoongi only had a brother, then who was this beautiful creature that now sat on the barstool?

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