the elephant

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omgitsjess and 413 others liked this

raina_h: lazy Saturdays spent thinking of u. <3 here's to having the first weekend in forever to myself & nothing to do lmao

@omgitsjess: even your shadow is pretty wtf

@Bwalker: could always call your good ole pals to hang out ya know

@foley_j: ^^exactly what I was thinking

@theycallmemonty: we should all do something this weekend

@raina_h: @omgitsjess you're gorgeous shut up

@raina_h: @Bwalker @foley_j y'all never respond in the group chat so...

@raina_h: @theycallmemonty scary movie night tonight at my place (:

@Bwalker: @raina_h we all invited?

@raina_h duh

Raina's POV

Okay, I'll admit.

I had a small crush on Monty. Okay, maybe not so small. But he had been so nice to me, going out of his way to make sure no-one disrupted my class, helped me whenever I needed to come up with ideas for a lesson. He would walk me to my car, stuff no other guy has ever done for me. I didn't know how to approach him about the subject, which I planned on talking to him about this weekend. My mom drove up from Oakland and took Ashe home with her for the week, so I had nothing but free time.

I was laying in bed, contemplating all the hard decisions when my phone went off. A text from Jess.

J: so I got the scoop girl

R: tell me

R: wait about what

J: MONTY. Zach said the night we all came to your house the first time, Monty told him how he felt about our and like, got all in his feelings about it. Zach told him it was on him whether he made a move and apparently Monty has been asking zach for advice on how to do it for a few days now.

R: oh. my. good. Jess I was literally just sitting here thinking about him. is this weird? like if I had a crush on him would you judge me

J: HELL NO I wouldn't judge u tf. Monty isn't a bad guy I've just never seen him in a relationship before. and he's perfectly of age. You'd just have to keep it on the down low at school and stuff. I support you 100% sis

R: so..should i hit him up or

J: ....duh

My stomach was in knots. Especially now that I knew how he felt too. I wanted to call him, but honestly I was nervous. So, I sucked it up, and called him anyway.


"Um, hey Monty. Whatcha doin'?"

"This is Raina right?"

"Yes, who'd you think it was?"

"You, you just sound different. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine.. Are you busy? Like, right now?"

"I'm just sitting at my house. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Wanna come over?"

He went silent for a minute, probably unsure of how to respond at first. Then his tone changed completely. He sounded...vulnerable. For the first time since I met him, that egotistical sound was gone and something new replaced it.

"Um, yeah. Definitely. When?"


Another pause.

"I'm on my way okay?"

"Sure. Be careful, Monty."

"I will. See you in a bit, okay?"

"I'll be here."

The line went dead, and part of me was thankful. I had time to gather my thoughts. He'd be here soon, though. And that's when the real nerves would strike. I just hoped this went okay.

I heard him pull in, so I made my way downstairs. I had the door open before he could even knock. "Hey." I said softly, and he gave me a smile. A real one, dimples and all. "Hey, Raina. Are you okay? What's up?" We made our way to the couch, sitting close enough together that our arms were touching. "I'm fine, Monty. I just...wanted to talk to you about something." He gave me a sideways glance, and I realized then how naked I felt. Not in a sense of clothes, but emotionally. I hadn't tried to do this with anyone since Ashe's father.

"I have something to tell you, too." He said almost in a whisper, turning his body towards me. Cool, he could take charge. I was fine with that. "You first, Monty."

He took a deep breath, and then began. "I like you, Raina. I tried not to, because.. well, you know. You're my teacher. But I can't fucking help it. I can't stay away from you. I don't want to. I've never really had a girlfriend either. So.. I don't know how to be a boyfriend exactly. But I promise if you'll let me, I can be good to you. And Ashe. Just give me a chance."

Wow. He said everything I wanted to hear. It was freeing to know he felt the same way. "I'm glad you feel that way. I like you too, ya know. We have to keep this on the down low for now. Just because of my job. It's not that I don't want to be able to show you off and stuff, but if the parent of my other students found out about this, I would probably get fired."

"No, I understand. I'm fine with that. Just as long as I can still see you. But, I think Jess and Clay might already suspect something. Zach does for sure. He called me out the first day of school." I explained to him that Jess knew, but she was fine with it, and Clay and Zach were two of our best friends, and they were mature enough to know how fragile the situation was.

So, after an hour of talking, we had decided to give us a shot. We agreed that it would look less conspicuous if his car wasn't here tonight, so he was off to Bryce's to invite them over for movie night.

I had to text Jess, so she could tell Clay, Tyler, Alex and Justin to head over. It would be another full house. Only this time, Monty was mine.

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