hello world

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j_atkiss: August 25th at 1:12 am, our beautiful daughter made her appearance into the world. Everyone, meet lil miss Khaleesi Apollo Atkins. She weighs 7 pounds, 3 ounces. She's 20 inches long. Not only did I get to cut the cord, but once the Doctor had her arms out I got to deliver her the rest of the way. I thought I was in love before. But boy, was I wrong. I am beyond love. ❣️ Thanks to everyone at the hospital with us, and the doctors who brought our baby into the world. We love you and your brother so much.

c_jensen: I'm not crying, you're crying

zachattack: I LOVE YALL SO MUCH

omgitsjess: this is so sweet. I love all 4 of you so much.

theycallmemonty: you've got to be kidding me. She has Jeff's last name for real?

Alex_Standall: she has her FATHER'S last name, not her sperm donor.

theycallmemonty: wow

foley_j: just be glad she didn't get hurt when you SHOVED RAINA TO THE GROUND

hisherri: she's perfect. Congrats y'all

ty_dphotos: can't wait to take pictures of y'all

marc_cole: congrats Jeff & Ms. H!


j_atkiss: Monty you may have made her but I'm her father. Get over it

raina_h: feels so weird to have her here and not be pregnant anymore.. time to lose this weight lmao

omgitsjess: maybe after the epidural and the drugs wear off lol @raina_h

theycallmemonty: this is so fucked up. I will never see my kid will I? goddamn fuck all of y'all. I'll take you to court if I have to

j_atkiss: that's fine, I'll press trespassing charges, assault, attempted murder on two counts... then we'll see who gets to see their kid

theycallmemonty: it was an accident, I didn't even know it was her dude.

omgitsjess: doesn't matter, you could have killed Leesi

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