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Raina's POV

I will admit, I was a little jealous that Monty's friends got the majority of his free time. If he wasn't doing something baseball related, he was with Bryce, or Jeff. I mean, we spent time together at least one day a week. But it was Friday night, and other than when I saw him in class, I hadn't seen him all week.

The whole gang was coming over on Saturday for a cookout, but it wasn't the same. It was like school with a more relaxed setting. We couldn't be too close, we couldn't spend too much alone time together for fear of the wrong person getting suspicious. It was exhausting.

I was so glad Jess was coming over. She had been so supportive of everything and she was the easiest person to talk to. By the time she showed up, I was in a really sour mood. I just really missed Monty, and it sucked.

"Okay Raina, tell me what's up. You look like someone shot your best friend." I gave a light laugh and we made our way to my room. I had a lot of space, especially in my room, so that was usually our go to hang out spot. I laid back on the bed and sighed exasperatively. "I miss him, Jess. I haven't seen him all week, aside from in class. It sucks." She laid back with me. Ashe was in his room watching cartoons, so we were able to talk freely for the most part.

"You should tell him. Let him know you miss him. Guys have to be reassured like that just like we do. Have you told him any of this?" She tilted her head and gave me a look. She already knew the answer to that. "Text him Raina."

R: I miss you babe. :/

M: I miss you. Sorry I've been so busy all week. I can come over after Bryce's party?

R: Not if you're gonna be drinking and driving

M: I already started drinking babe I'll get Jensen to drive me and I'll just leave my car at Bryce's?

R: okay, just let me know when you head this way monty

M: if it stays dead I won't stick around there's hardly anybody here. I'd rather be with you tbh

R: mean that?

M: I swear baby <3

R: I was worried maybe you were getting bored of me

M: ??? are you being for real? no. just...no babe. Not at all. That's crazy. Exactly the opposite really I've thought about you all week. I actually have something for u in my Jeep (:

R: what is it????

M: a surprise duh. You'll see later babe. I'll probably dip out of here in an hour or so okay?

R: Okay. Be safe Monty.

M: always baby. can't wait to see u

R: me too Monty.

"See? I told you, you just overreact. He really likes you, ya know. None of us have ever seen Monty have a girlfriend, so it's weird seeing him so...nice all the time." We both laughed. He had definitely changed a lot since we'd been talking. Jess's phone went off, Alex was calling her. She excused herself into the hall while I did a little it off daydreaming.

I wondered, what did kissing Montgomery De La Cruz feel like? Was it rugged and possessive like his personality? Or was it soft, and gentle, like his heart.. I made a mental note to find out as soon as possible.

"Alex wants me to give him a ride to Bryce's. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded, stood up to hug her. "Thanks, Jess. You are literally the best." She squeezed me back. "I know. I'll see you tomorrow."

The time seemed to pass so much slower waiting on Monty. Ashe put himself to bed, and I laid in mine and waited patiently. My phone went off and I jumped for it.

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