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Taehyung povs:

I walked to my classroom, while reading the lesson yesterday that our teacher taught us. Mr. Shawn really likes surprise quiz so I better be prepared.

When I got into the classroom there's two girls chatting about something , I go to my chair besides Jungkook's chair, yeah we are seatmet now.

"Good morning guys."

I greeted them nicely while smiling.

I can see that they're hesitating to smile back.

"Uh hey good morning Kim. Have you heard about the news?"

I shaked my head. I don't really like watching tv. I prefer playing on my phone.

"I didn't watch the news yesterday. " I shyly replied. Thy both rolled their eyes own me.

"Not about that. About jihan." When I heared about his name, I can't help but to be nervous 

"W-what about him?"



Not again.

Not that.


"He's dead."

My body run cold. Why is this  happening again?


I run again. Again.

As fast as I could. Until I bump into someone causing me to fall on the ground.

I stared at the green grass. I can't help but to cry again. I feel like it's my fault. He's dead because he talked to me yesterday.

"Kid. Use this. " I look up because if the familiar voice.

"Y-yoongi?" I look at the handkerchief he's handing me. I shook my head and wipe my own tears with my sleeves.

This is so humilating.  Someone saw me again. Crying like a weakling.

I heard a sigh.

"That's rude, yknow. "

I stood up in front of him and bow 90 degrees in front of him.

"I'm sorry. But you don't have to help me,  I-I know you're mad at me because of jungkook- b-but don't worry! Jungkook is just my friend. "

At last I said what I really want to say.

Yoongi chuckles.

"What a kid. " after that he walks away leaving me staring at his back.
But he stopped, I saw his hands clenching. 

At this time, I really regret on bumping into him. I really have the feeling that he is Jungkook's boyfriend and that he's jealous of me. God no. I already explai-

"Taehyung, be careful. Please." He said with a gentle voice and continued walking away.

To my surprised ,  I stood still  there again. 

"Does he know I'm a bad luck?" I laugh a little. "Kim Taehyung. You're such a big shit. " I told to myself as I cry again.


Jungkook povs:

Oh Shit!

Where are you hyung?

God! I can't afford to lost you. No. No.

I run and run around the school. Searching for him until I saw a figure on the soccer field.

"Hyung? V HYUNG!!!" I run to him and hug him tightly. "Hyung are you okay? What are you do-why are you crying V hyung?"

He looks at me,  with his sad eyes.

"J-jungkook..i- you need to stay away from me before-i-i am.." He can't finish his words because he's sobbing so hard.

fuck I can't see the love of my life crying in front of me.

"H-hey hyung.  Please don't cry. Please. " I can't help but to cry too as I hug him so Fucking tight.  

He pulled away from me,  worry on his face

"Ya why are you crying?" He took off my glasses and wipe my tears.

I look away,  blushing so hard.

God. He's so handsome. I can't with this. You're so weird Jungkook! He's crying for fuck sake!

I smiled at him and kisses his forehead.

"V hyung.. im always here. Always here for you. I won't leave you. Never. " I whispered those words on his forehead.  

"Thank you kookie-"

"Jungkook,  call me Jungkook. "

He looks at me frowning.

"Okay? By the way, why are you calling me V? "

Oh shit.

What to do.

Wait wait think Jungkook!

"Cause... you're.. hmmmm ..my..victory?Yes hahahhahaha..! And t-taehyung is too long! " I laugh awkwardly.

"Oh you're right. I like that name Jungkookie." He flashes his boxy smile on me

And once again.

I fall deeper.



Just like 12 years ago, he never failed to make my heart race.

"Hi I'm Taehyung! You can call me V! Just like on Voltes V! " 

"So should I call you 5 hyung?"

"E-eh? No! Call me V hyung! Hehehehe"

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