Chapter 3 - Endless Thoughts

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As you enter the dining hall, you notice that Makoto and Sayaka are already in there.

Those two have been inseparable since we got here! They'll fall for each other, I know it!

Little did you know, they were thinking the same thing about you and Taka.

"Ah, Makoto, Sayaka! So you two got here first, huh?" Taka says as he walks over to the head of the big table.

"Too bad...I was sure I'd beat everyone here. I guess that means I don't have enough fighting spirit yet!"

"Or that means that you spent more time looking, meaning that you discovered more!" you cut in, stating what seemed quite obvious since you knew for a fact that Makoto would've been unconscious for at least a few hours. From what you'd heard, Mondo had punched him not long after you left the gym.

"That...does seem possible! I never thought of it that way!" Taka then stands more determinedly. "But I won't give up! Next time, I swear I'll win no matter what it takes! Justice shall always prevail!"

"That's a bit much, don't you think?" Sayaka exclaims.

You simply nod your head, and continue following Taka to where everyone would be sitting. You choose the seat next to his, near the end of the table.

The four of you patiently wait for everyone else, who begin making their way in gradually and sitting around the table. You all speak among yourselves until Taka suddenly speaks up loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Okay! It looks like everyone's here. Time to start the meeting!"

It takes a lot of bravery to take charge like that! As expected of the ultimate moral compass.

"Let's all go around and share what we found during our respective investigations! The sooner we find out what's going on, the sooner we get out of here!"

"Wait, hold on a sec!" Junko suddenly spoke up.

She's the one who spoke to me earlier, right? I can probably trust her. She doesn't seem that bad!

"Yeah something doesn't seem right" you agree, looking around. "Is someone missing?"

"It's uh...what's her name? That silver-haired girl..."

"More like lilac" you silently mutter.

"Uhh...oh yeah, Kyoko!"

"What?!" Taka seems extremely shocked by this.

Wait, it's not...murder is it? No one's done it already right?

You start to zone out, once again consumed by your own thoughts until his voice brings you back to reality.

"Darn it Kyoko! You're really going to be late like this on the first day of school?! Not only is she late, she didn't tell anyone she would be late! A most unbecoming personality trait..."

Of course he didn't think it was anything that serious! that because of what I said? He believes in me that much even though it's obvious that Kyoko could've died?

This thought quickly makes your face turn red once again. You try to hide it the best way you can, covering your face while trying to look normal.

"We should start the meeting anyway though, right? We can tell her anything she's missed once she arrives."

"I agree with that proposition!" Taka nods in your direction as he says this. "Now then, I declare that the first session of the Hope's Peak Academy briefing meetings has begun!"

Everyone then begins taking turns sharing what they found.

"I spent some time looking around the dormitory, and there I made the discovery of the century! I found that there was exactly one room for each person!" Taka proudly states.

"Well yeah, I figured that out before anything else..." Asahina says.

"I spent most of the search in my room actually," you chime in. "Each room is easy to find with the nameplates on the doors, and the owner of the room gets a key for the room. The room itself is quite nice, but slightly unsettling with the camera and metal plates. There seems to be a bathroom there as well, but I didn't take a close look at that part of the room-"

You suddenly stop. "I-I'm sorry! I should let others speak too!" you begin to tremble, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "I didn't mean to ramble! I-"

"It's okay! Everyone's inputs, including yours, are useful!" Taka reassures you, placing a hand on your shoulder. His touch alone instantly makes you feel better. But why?

"Thank you Taka but I'll just let someone else talk now. I don't want to seem rude..." You wipe your eyes quickly before any potential tears start to spill, a smile slowly growing on your face. "I'll contribute to the conversation again if I need to, but only if necessary."

If even for a second, a slight pink tint was visible on his face. Or was it just your imagination?

"O-okay if that is what you feel is best! I will not force you to do anything you'd prefer not to do!"

"Okay enough we get it you two!" Mondo butted in. "So they got a bunch of rooms ready for us. They're assuming we're gonna be here a while..."

"Th-that can't be all you have to r-report, can it Mr. Honor S-Student? And you ch-chatterbox?" Toko added, unnecessarily.

Chatterbox? Surely I don't deserve a name like that!

"Actually, I found a bathhouse near the dorms, but it was closed off. Other than that, that's all I found. What about you Taka?"

Taka hesitates before he finally says "That's all for my report! Let's move on to whoever's next!"

While all other areas of this nightmare of a school are being discussed, you zone out again, this time not about the possibility of an already deceased student, but about what happened earlier and all the emotions you've felt...


A/N: Ahfskfhg I didn't forget about this fanfic don't worry! I have exams coming up so I haven't had much time to write anything but anywayyy here's a new chapter! Let me know what you think about this chapter and the fanfic as a whole so far! :D

Also I might try writing oneshots soon so I'll make another book for them when I do!

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